Chapter 10 - Frat Party

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The next day, I text Starlah to let her know I'll meet her at her place since she lives so close to where the party is held. She agrees, and I call off work for my shift tonight and get myself all dolled up to go out. I pick out a grey low-cut halter top and a black skirt with black ankle boots.

Momma is working again today, and Daddy is hanging out with Uncle Seth in the garage.

I walk out to the garage to let Daddy know where I'm going tonight. Daddy and Uncle Seth are laughing and carry on about God knows what with a beer in their hands. I interrupt their little party, "Daddy, I'm going out with a friend from school tonight. I'll be home late."

He looks at me with a blank stare. "Who is your friend? What kind of party? Is this a frat party?" he asks curiously.

"Her name is Starlah, and yes, it is a frat party," I say bluntly.

"You aren't going to a frat party Georgia." He says sternly.

"Why not? Do you honestly think I can go all through college and not attend a frat party?" I ask him with an irritated tone.

"Girls get drunk and get taken advantage of at frat parties," Daddy says as he takes a swig of beer.

"Well, not this girl. Come on, Daddy. I'm not even old enough to drink." I remind him.

"Doesn't matter. There will be lots of booze there for you to get your underage hands-on." He barks.

"Well, I don't care; I'm going because I need the total college experience," I pout.

Daddy sighs and throws his hands up, and Uncle Seth snickers.

"Come on, D. You know she's a good girl. She's going to be just fine. Remember what she did to that little weasel that tried to get her to go back to his hotel room after prom? You know she won't do anything bad." He says, reassuringly.

Daddy grits his teeth. "It's not her that I worry about; it's all those little punk ass boys at the party trying to take advantage of her." He says argumentatively.

Seth rolls his eyes." Okay, whatever, but you and I both know Georgia can hold her own." He says in my defense, putting his hands up.

I smile at Uncle Seth, and he winks at me.

Daddy has his head in his hands. "Georgia, please don't make me regret this. I don't care what time it is; if something happens, you call me." He pleads.

"Agreed," I reply to him.

He reaches out his arms to me. I begrudgingly walk over to hug him and Uncle Seth; even though I'm fuming over what they did to John Luke, I won't make it obvious. I leave and head to Starlah's house.

When I get to her apartment, she opens the door to greet me. "Hey, Starlah,"

"Hey, Georgia. Come on in." She says.

I walk in, and she leads me back to her bedroom. She sits down at her vanity to finish putting on her makeup; so, I sit down on her bed. "Do you want me to drive?" I ask her.

"Sure, it doesn't matter. I like this guy that's going to be there tonight. So, I may just go home with him if it works out the way I plan," She admits.

"Oh, what's his name?" I ask curiously.

"It's Michael Harrington. Do you know him?"

"Nope, I don't think so."

"He has a brother; maybe you can hook up with his brother. They are both fine as fuck." She suggests.

I shrug and shake my head. "Well, I guess we will have to see what happens."

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now