nine : let the wine do the talk

492 40 37

We took a shower together afterwards, and we changed into our comfy clothes. I put on a tank top, and shorts.

Yoongi went downstairs first, saying he'd start cooking, as we were both starving. I stayed behind, doing my skincare and drying my hair.

I check my email while I come downstairs, nothing important thankfully. Despite telling my assistant to clear my schedule I always have to monitor, making sure everything's fine.

Following the sounds of pots and cutlery, I find him cooking on his own, serious, pouty, concentrated on what his hands are doing, cutting bell peppers.

Before he even notices, I take a quick picture of him like this, looking cute with his baggy clothes and ruffy hair. And he did not noticed.

"So, how can I help Chef Min?" He looks up to me, smiling, I put my phone away. Putting my apron on, matching his. I wash my hands throughly before touching anything.

I hear a bottle of wine open, and I turn around, drying my hands, he is pouring wine for the both of us.

"You can just sit back and look," He smirks, handing me the glass.

"Oh wow, I can definitely do that," I smirk. "Some other time though and maybe when you're shirtless. For now, I wanna help you cook." I spin the liquid inside the glass carefully, and taking a sip of wine. He scoffs.

"Okay then, you can dice up the potatoes, two will be enough. Slice half onion and two carrots, I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay," I start by washing the potatoes and the carrots and then taking the peel off them. I eat a few carrots while I finish the rest.

My Frank Ocean playlist starts playing in the background. I start humming. "So, what are we cooking again?" I ask him, he said the name but I forgot, chewing a carrot afterwards. I look up at him, who's cutting the chicken breast into little strips.

I see Yoongi heating up a pan with oil. Then he moves to prep the chicken, adding garlic, salt and pepper, a little bit of paprika.

"Cheesy chicken afritada," He brings the chicken strips into the pan, adding bell pepper and onion and half cup of chicken broth. "My brother made this dish for us when he came back from The Philippines. And he got obsessed trying out dishes from different countries, and he got me into his cooking obsession too," I smile, as I listen to him, I keep dicing up the onions. "It is good and easy to prep."

It's starting to smell good, it's nice to have a proper meal from time to time. I basically survive on coffee, waffles and fruit. Not proud of it I know.

Right now we're sitting in front of each other, he lighted up some candles, basically made dinner for us, he prepared everything beforehand, the plating, the table, the candles, the jazz music it's playing in the back.

He's cute.

He's cute

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