five : a lovely evening

487 39 20

"Oh my God, dinner was delicious, Rae." I say, as I take another sip of wine. "Thank you for doing this for us."

"Not at all, my pleasure." Rae smiles. "Oh, by the way Yoongi, Hoseok and I were surprised about the news." Rae points out, raising her eyebrows.

What news? Still, I remain silent, I turn to look at Yoongi, he looks down.

"He took us all by surprise." Hobi says, making Yoongi shy, and I know it because he rubs his neck with his left hand. "I didn't had the slightest idea."

"That was the plan." He scoffs, sipping his wine.

"How did you manage to do it? I mean, you have a lot on your plate," Hoseok asks him, all three of us looking at him.

I remain clueless about what they're talking about. But I decide not to ask, if he didn't mentioned it to me then there must be a reason.

"Midnight mostly, or at dawn, when I was jet lagged, whenever I'd have time." I watch him as he explains.

As he says so, memories flood in where I would wake up a couple of times at dawn and I would see him in the terrace. But I would never ask or go up to interrupt him, he would always look really immersed on what he was doing.

"How long did it take you to write it?" Rae asks.

We all watch him, attentive. I sip on my wine.

"Like..." He looks up, while moving his glass in circular motion. "Two years." But then looks down at his wine.

What did I missed?

"I'll be honest with you man, I never saw you as the writing type, but it was good to see you in the news."

And that's why I don't know anything about it, I don't watch the news.

"Yoongi has always been talented," He turns to see me, startled by my sudden statement. And even though I have no idea what they're talking about, I just know he is.

I had never admitted that before.

"That's true, and smart," Hoseok laughs, telling his girlfriend. "Baek cried when Yoongi had 2 points over her in the Suneung." Hoseok laughs, as always covering his mouth with his hand.

"Hey, hey, I didn't! Do not believe him, Rae," I defend myself in between laughter.

"Of course you did!" Hoseok mocks me.

"Well then, you did too! I had a perfect score in the english certifications and your boyfriend here had to repeat it!" I point a finger at him.

"I did not cry!"

"Of course you did, your sister is a witness," Yoongi defended, serious face, leaning his head on his own hand, with his pinky finger doing that thing he always does.

"Yeah, right?! Thank you, Yoongi."

"Thanks you two idiots for embarrassing me in front of my girl." Hoseok sits back, as his girlfriend laughs with us.

Yoongi and I high five.

"How's your sister by the way? I haven't seen Jiwoo in so long, she gets lost sometimes." Yoongi points out, sipping wine after.

Hoseok pulls out his phone. "Let me show you, Noona is in Paris actually, a French brand wanted to collab with her clothing brand." He pulls up a picture of her and her fiancé standing in front of the Eiffel tower.

"They look amazing. They have a date for the wedding yet?" I ask, as I fill again my glass.

"Supposedly in June. The 20th or something like that."

"Is he nice? Have you met him?"

"Just like three times, he seems nice, and my parents liked him, so I guess they have the green light."

"I'll be looking forward to my invite." I smile.

"Baek, I think that's enough wine for you, you're almost on the floor." Hobi takes my glass away, I whine.

"Do I? I'm sorry guys, it's friday, I'm wiped out." I try my best to keep my eyes open.

"I'll make you some coffee." Rae goes off to the kitchen.

"You should take it easy with work, Baek. You should rest or go on vacation for a week." Hobi points out, they both help me stand up.

"I might."

We head outside, putting on my coat.

"Here, this will help you a bit." Rae brings me coffee.

"Thank you so much, Rae. And again, dinner was delicious, thank you so much for doing this." I hug her. "Lovely evening, delicious dinner and great company, thank you guys."

"You're always welcome here, you both." Now Yoongi hugs Rae and I hug Hobi.

"Be careful okay, take it easy on work. Thank you for the grapefruit tart too." Hoseok says as we hug.

"It was nothing, be safe on your London trip guys."

"Text me when you get home! Drive safe Yoongi!" Hoseok yells on our way to Yoongi's car. I nod, waving at them goodbye.

Yoongi starts the car, leaving their place.


Suneung: is a type of standardized test accepted by South Korean universities, people call them the Korean SATs.

Unnie (언니): females speaking to older females

Noona (누나): males speaking to older females

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