six : trying hard not to give the heart away

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Wine is the only alcoholic beverage that makes me sleepy. Maybe I had too much. I yawn.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just had to wake up early today." I rub my eye. Yawning one more time. Soft music playing, a long road ahead, I think about my apartment, and how lonely it must be right now. "Uh- Can I stay at your place? I mean, your place is closer, and I really need to lay in bed right now." I chuckle.

"You know you don't even need to ask." He says calmly.

"Plus, I don't want you to drive longer. You must be tired."

"That's okay."

"I'll ask Mr. Cha to pick me up early tomorrow." I check my phone, no notifications from work, good. I text Lee the address and for my driver to pick me up.

"We're not even there yet and you're already thinking about leaving." Yoongi laughs. "You're welcome to stay anytime."

"Thank you." I turn to look at him. "So, what's in schedule for Friday night?"

"Dinner, a chat, wine, perhaps a movie? What do you think?"

"Sounds nice." I look out the window. "I can help you cook, if you want."

"That'd be nice." I shift on my seat, turning to his side.

"So, smooth guy, what's that you were talking about back there? That took you two years?" We smile.

"Oh, that," His eyes are on the road. "The reason why I went to California. I've been working on a book."

"A book?" He nods. "You wrote a book?"

"Still in the process." He shrugs. "But I contacted a publishing company, and they'll be helping me out. I'm starting to get into the book cover design process."

"I did not know you were interested in writing."

"I wasn't, not officially at least. Until I just started and then I couldn't stop. It's therapeutic."

"So, do I get to know about what it'll be about?" He smiles, that gummy smile... He shakes his head. "Oh come on," I reach to his side and tickle him, but he doesn't budge.

"I won't tell you, but how about this? You'll be the first to get a signed copy by the author."

"Fair enough. When is it being published?"

"In a couple of months. Still finishing up."

"I'm curious already."

"You can use these," Yoongi hands me a pile of clothes, as I get out of the bathroom after a shower and brushing my teeth. "Good night." He turns around, heading to the guest room.

"Wow- wait!" He stops, almost crossing the door, turning around to face me again. "You're not going to sleep here?"

Like... in the bed with me?

He purrs before he speaks.

"We know what's gonna happen if I stay with you." He smirks, we both chuckle. "You're tired, you gotta rest." His soft smile is comforting.

"Nothing has to happen." He stops again. There is silence for a brief moment. "I don't wanna lay in your bed without you in it."

My voice is soft.

And I kind of regretted saying that... I felt weird. Cringed out by my own words.

"I just–" I sigh, leaning on the frame of the door.

He turns around this time.

He is his serious usual self, his eyes move from my lips to my eyes, trying to read me.

I don't go around saying stuff like that and maybe startled him. And I gotta say I feel weirdly vulnerable at the moment, the alcohol that still hasn't left my system is not helping either, words just keep coming out.

"And– I spend most of my days and nights on my own," I shrug, looking down. "I don't want to feel like that tonight." I pause. "Alone."

He keeps looking at me.

"Come on, are you going to make me beg?" I chuckle.

"I was planning on it," He smiles softly, slowly. He steps closer to me. We lock eyes.

His eyes move to my hair, bringing a strand of hair behind my ear, I look down, ashamed.

"Look at me." He whispers.

I do as told, his index finger making me look up at him.

It's always unreal to have him in front of me. He is beautiful, I must admit. His eyes are glossy, and his lips look soft from here.

I bring my hand to touch his arm, pulling him subtly closer.

"You are not alone." His voice is breathy, minty scent. "You don't have to be alone."

His eyes watch my lips, and instinctively, I close my eyes, being myself closer to him, giving in, my lips softly part, welcoming his lips on mine.

I moan, the second our lips touch. I feel light, and give in to his touch, both of his arms snake around my waist, leaving no space between us. The kiss is soft, needy. It feels time stops, like gravity stops working, like nothing else exists but us, this moment, this kiss, us and our touch.

I feel my heart pounding out of my chest. Beat faster and faster.

We pull away to catch out breathe.

Whenever we kiss, I always forget about my pride.

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