two : booze is required

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"You were barely an hour here and you already went upstairs with him?" He sips his champagne. "Let the poor guy have a little break at least." Hoseok and I both laugh, quietly, yet he still shakes his head in disapproval.

I can't help it.

Everyone's so dressed up tonight, I fix my red and long dress again, making sure there is no wrinkle in it.

"Come on, I hadn't seen him in like months. I missed him." I say as I look at Yoongi from across the room, he is mingling and drinking and smiling, occasionally looking my way trying to be subtle. That dude is as subtle as an ambulance.

Fuck, he's hot. Makes me want to drag him to a room again.

Don't blame me, I'm in one of those days. I'm thirsty. Prolly going to be get my period soon.

I smile when I see his hair a little messy, he hasn't noticed. That was me.

"You missed his dick, not him." We both laugh.

"God I fucking hate you, ahh really." I joke.

"I know, love you too." I smile, finishing another drink. "So, what are you doing this weekend?" A waiter walks by and I grab another glass.

"Gotta head to London. Business meeting." He rolls his eyes, annoyed.

"Minrae going with you?" Hoseok takes away my drink, putting it back, I frown.

"Of course she is. We go anywhere together."

"You guys are cute." I smile, sarcastically. "Makes me want to puke." I act disgusted. But I'm just messing with him, he knows that.

He knows I love them together.

"You should try that sometimes, you know?"

"What?" I fake oblivion.

I know what he'll say.

"You know what I mean. Being in relationship again. Give it a try." The 100th time he says this.

I chuckle, sarcastically.

"Look where that led me to a few years ago." I swallow bitterness at the memory of that motherfucker. I feel my blood boil over the thought of me being so fucking stupid. What a fucking dumb bitch I was.

I'm still a bitch though, just not a dumb one.

"Things with that dude were not... the best, I know." The best? It was shit. "But that doesn't mean all guys are like that or that the same thing will happen again." Hoseok is serious now.

I look away. Sighing.

I really wasn't prepared to even talk about it. I don't think I'll ever be. Plus, I'm still sober.

I am not ready to openly talk about it yet, even if it was two years ago.

Hoseok is my best friend, but I'm not ready to even talk about this with him. Or anyone.

"Well I'm not drunk enough to talk about this." I grab another glass of champagne from a waiter passing by.

I need something stronger.

"Da-hye-" Hoseok starts, in a scolding-passive tone. He was about to reprehend me and I know it since he called me by my first name, but someone gently puts a hand in my lower back, making me stop and Hoseok turn to look behind me.

I know that touch.

"Hey guys, what's up." Hoseok's face quickly lights up.

"Yoongi, it's been so long since I haven't seen you around, man. How's it going?" Hoseok smiles at him, they stretch hands and brotherly hug.

"Really good. Business going well. I saw the article about your acquisitions overseas, congrats man."

Jae-hyun used to be friends with Hoseok too, we used to go on double-dates and trips together to Japan, Canada or the States. Attend parties of our businesses too. Fool around in college days.

"Yeah, going great, what about you? I heard about your book coming up."

Without notice, I turn around, leaving them behind. Just thinking of that fucker really made me sick.

I feel a hand reach out for my arm, grabbing me softly.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on? Where you going?" Yoongi stops me, his voice is soft, his eyes are too. Slightly concerned.

"Uh- I-I have a meeting tomorrow. I-I gotta head home now." I tell him.

I don't feel comfortable here anymore, being surrounded by a lot of people and people with cameras taking pictures out of no where. I turn to see Hoseok, who's looking concerned at both of us.

"I'll drive you then."

"No, no, Mr. Cha is waiting outside." I step away from his gentle touch. I turn around, bittersweet. His eyes, pleading, I almost run to his arms. But I don't.

"Are we still on for next Friday?"

"I'll call you."

I walk away.

Memories from two years ago start flooding in, hearing Jaehyun's voice and feeling his touch again. I feel fucking sick and mad just to be able to remember him so vividly. I hate it.

Better for me to leave, I won't get drunk here with Hoseok around, plus I need something stronger.


Woo, I'm feeling really inspired and excited for this story, I'm even impressed with what I have written lmao. So, I hope you guys like it :)♡

Thoughts? Let me know! Please share if you liked it♡


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