Chapter 17

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The sun had risen well over an hour ago, but thankfully it was shining against my back because I don't know if my raw eyes could take the blinding light. With less than a mile left until I reach Dark Mountains I try yet again to compose myself, but just like every other attempt my mind drifts to Jasper's smile, his laugh, and worst of all his touch. One would think replaying the moment that broke my heart would hurt the most but in reality it's realizing your most cherished memories are bringing the opposite of joy for the first time ever.

I reach up pulling down my hood, which did little to protect my head from the drizzle earlier, so the warriors patrolling their pack line don't confuse me with someone dangerous. Most of them have known me since I was a child, but I wouldn't blame them if they had trouble recognizing me past the drenched hair and swollen eyes. My dilapidated state will arise questions, ones in which I hope to dodge without breaking down especially since my motive for coming here is to help and not distress them further.

A wolf up ahead skids to a stop alongside their pack line tilting it's head to the side scanning me from head to toe. It only takes me three more steps before two other wolves arrive flanking the first, and a familiar face to appear from behind them. Quentin crosses his arms over his chest watching me approach, relief swims in his light blue eyes but so does a twinge of sorrow.

"Come here." Quentin breathes barely above a whisper pulling me to his chest. I clutch his shirt taking shaky deep breaths, forcing the tears down and swallowing the lump in my throat. I came here for him, Tessa, and my uncles not the other way around. "You scared the shit out of him." I'm not surprised he called them, but it angers me especially since I confided in him about how worried I was about them and their stress load. "Out of us." Quentin adds. Dammit.

"I'm sorry." I step out of his embrace swiping the last remnants of my tears mentally shutting out the storm of brewing thoughts about the past few hours. "How is she?" The fact he's out here right now must mean it hasn't gotten too terrible, right?

"She'll be really happy to see you." He turns around motioning for me to follow. It doesn't escape me that he dodged the question, but hopefully I'll see her myself in a minute and get my answer. The knot in my stomach tightens in anticipation. "Fletcher is having the doctor come over later." I trip over a branch due to his revaluation but catch myself. "Routine checkup for the baby." I let out a huff lightly punching him in the arm.

"Don't scare me like that!" He mouths "ow" while rubbing his arm.

"I brought it up because you should get your hands checked out." I frown looking down at my hands noticing the mud covered scraps running from my wrist to the bottom of my pinky finger. Shorty after leaving home I slipped near the river on a wet rock, but it didn't hurt when I landed so I assumed all was good.

"I didn't even feel it." I mummer more to myself than Quentin, who purses his lips a troubled look etching itself onto his features. I'll just clean and bandage them up when we reach my uncles' house. At least I'm assuming Tessa is there as well.

"How long will you be staying?" He inquires, but in no way do I feel pushed out by his question. At the same time I have an inkling that he's not asking for himself. A despairing fog threatens to cloud my small amount of sanity, but I close my eyes pushing the mere thought of the past few hours to the back of my mind. Quentin must see my internal struggle because he doesn't pressure or rush me to answer. Another admirable aspect about Quentin is never have I felt judged by him, no matter how stupid of minuscule you feel after a situation.

"Just the day." A day to make sure my cousin is doing alright, and some time away to clear my thoughts. I'll absorb and process what happened last night or I guess earlier this morning on my way back tonight. Maybe I'll call Cora when we get to the house just to update her on the situation and let her know I'll be back in the morning. "Unless you guys want me to stay longer." I cringe at the sliver of desperation in my voice. Facing my troubles isn't my strongest attribution, and in the past I would just avoid Jasper as long as possible but I have my pack to think about, and they don't deserve to suffer because of mine and Jasper's issues.

Rogue Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें