Chapter 20

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"I don't understand how this is helping us stop Raven." I heave, bracing my scratched up hands on my wobbly knees. The sun's still nauseatingly bright in the sky blinding my poor eyes, which have been shielded by the cave for the past two weeks. Going on a multiple hour hike through steep mountainous terrain was not what I had in mind when Violet gave the okay to head outside now that my injuries are healed.

"You need to regain your strength first." She lifts herself onto a rock without so much as breaking a sweat. She may be older now, but you can see her familiarity of this terrain by the ease in which she maneuvers in it. "Plus Raven's been dormant since the attack on Dark Mountains." I brace my back against the large rock she's perched on, and slide down to the cool dirt.

"How do you know that?" I keep my eyes focused on the view of the large valley from up here. Reaching into my bag, I grab my water bottle waiting for her to answer.

"It's part of her pattern. She attacks then pulls back just long enough for her prey to relax and let down their guard before striking again." It's hard for me to envision the woman who raised my mother being such a monster. Violet hasn't been very detailed about how she learned of Raven actually being alive after everyone thought she died, or the fact she knows so much about Raven's plans.

"Why did she set Dark Mountains's pack house on fire?" I understand she didn't do it herself, but it doesn't make sense to me why she'd target her son first. "Why attack Uncle Fletcher first? What does she gain from that?" Violet snaps her gaze down at me with concern and a bit of sadness swirling in her dark normally illusive eyes.

"Victoria the attack on Dark Mountains wasn't the first, and it certainly wasn't to gain anything." My eyebrows draw together, and I turn looking up at her quizzically. "It was a test." She elaborates. "The first real attempt at her grand plan was to have you killed by that rogue months ago." If I wasn't sitting down already I might have collapsed from the affirmation of the theory that's been swirling in my mind since Violet told me the truth.

"Why?" I breathe out, replaying the blood splattered across Brooks's body after he saved my life. If Raven's motivation is gaining total control of all the packs, why target me when I wasn't anyone of power.

"Your death would've left your family utterly broken and defenseless. Three of the strongest packs in the world all would be mourning at the same time leaving each one vulnerable and ready for the taking." My expression must give away how sickened I am hearing how close I was from death by the hands of Raven more than once because Violet shoots me sympathetic look. "Setting Fletcher and Ryder's pack house on fire was simply a test to make sure no one was onto her." I frown down towards the ground playing with the few pieces of grace peaking out between the rocks and pebbles.

"Why didn't you come forward sooner?" If she has know of Raven's plans for years why wait so long? I don't exactly want to argue with Violet, but I'm growing frustrated at her lack of urgency especially when preventing all these attacks could have help protect her son. "Our family would have believed you even without proof." She has to know every single member of our family would have welcomed her with open arms no questions asked.

"The council had a reward for my capture."

"They were killed years-" She cuts me off.

"Every Alpha and Luna is convinced I helped Blake attack Black Moon. The elimination of the council wouldn't have changed anyone's minds." The sharp edge of her tone cuts into my anger fueling it further.

"We would have defended you." I stand up spinning around to face her head on. For the past two weeks I avoid asking the hard questions so I didn't make her uncomfortable, but her evasive tactics to avoid facing shit she's done or not done for years is getting on my last fucking nerve.

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