Chapter Twenty-Three ~ The Frost Winged Villain

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Ooooooo here's an interesting chapter.

???'s POV:

 "Brainwash." A cold, raspy voice whispered.

I pivoted on my feet to face who had called my name, and saw Shigaraki. "Hey, Handy. What'cha need?" I asked in my sing-song like voice.

Shigaraki growled under his breath. "You said you knew a girl who had angel wings and a halo, right?"

My breath hitched.


She can't be there. That will mean I have to fulfil my promise. I mean sure, me and my client had mutual feelings, but I wasn't about to just up and do what he wanted. "Yes..." I said hesitantly, tapping my foot on the ground repeatedly. "Was she at the USJ or something?"

Shigaraki didn't seem to notice my unease when he answered, "Yes. And she was so annoying." He began scratching at his neck. "I was about to kill one of the students but she pushed me away."

I bit my lip.

"You're their age, yes?" Shigaraki asked. "I know you came here looking for a new life."

"Yes, I'm their age." I laced my fingers together in front of me. "Tell me what this girl looked like... please."

Shigaraki grumbled his next words. "Long blonde hair, blue eyes kind of like yours." He observed, stopping his scratching and pointing at my eyes. "Though hers are darker." He tapped his chin. "She had weird red spots all over her body, which I'm hoping were scars from getting warped into the fire zone. That's where Kurogiri sent her after all."

I clenched my teeth.

It is her.


I let a calm smile spread across my face to mask the emotions behind my eyes. "Well, I best be going now." Shigaraki nodded and let me walk past him, out of our small hideout.

I slipped my hood over my brown hair, shadowing any of my features. My villain costume fit perfectly on my body, a skintight spandex suit of grey with black accents. Belts and buckles wrapped around my waist and legs, containing several sizes and shapes of daggers. My stainless steel sword was sheathed at my waist, and my black combat boots were snug on my feet.  My feahter-textured cape flowed behind me .

I crept out of the building, and into the bustling streets.

I'll see you soon, Akiara.

Interesting, huh?

Who's this "Brainwash" girl we met this chapter? Lol. I know. You guys don't. Sucks to suck. (Sorry if that was rude it's just how I am, I grew up with three idiotic older siblings)

How does she know Akiara? Any ideas? XD

I have a REALLY BIG plot twist planned. Actually... two plot twists. I really hope I don't make either of them obvious, but that's bound to happen because I'm oblivious.


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