Chapter Thirty-Six ~ What's Going On?

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Question of the day (or minute because I just uploaded the other chapter before this one):
What's the latest book you read?

(My answer is Moment of Truth by Kasie West. Guys GO READ IT ITS SOOOO GOOD. It's a romance novel, which is kind of all I read, and it made me scream, cry and laugh. So go read it.)

Akiara's POV

"From the Hero Course, it's the kid with engines in his legs; TENYA IDAAAAAAA!" Present Mic screamed his name while the two of us faced off on the platform. I was practically shaking in my shoes, while Iida looked more than ready.

I pursed my lips, tapping my foot anxiously on the ground. "And another competitor from the Hero Course, it's the angelic girl we all know is too kind for her own good; Akiara Saki--"

A demonic cheer interrupted Present Mic, and all heads whipped toward the stands, where Haruka was bending over the railing. I sweatdropped as she screamed at the top of her lungs, "YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! THAT'S MY SISTER YOU WIMPS! KICK HIS BUTT, AKARA!"

I barked a harsh laugh as the audience erupted with snickers and cheers, and I gave my devilish little sister a thumbs-up. "You got it, Haru!" I shouted back, making some of the viewers aw at our 'sisterly love.' Oh if only they knew how much of a bully she was to me.

"Ready..." Present Mic recovered from his laughing fit. I dug my feet into the ground, crouching as I was ready to jump into the air. "Set.... FIGHT!"

When the buzzer sounded, I snapped out my wings and launched myself upward, right as Iida ran forward with an attack. If I hadn't jumped up, he would've tackled me. "Nice try, Iida!" I snickered, beating my wings in a steady motion. "But you're gonna have to try harder than that to beat me! My sister said to kick your butt so, I'm gonna follow through."

Iida grinned, but it also looked like he was scowling. "I respect your decision, Saki!"

In one swift motion, I dove down like a bullet, so fast he didn't expect it, and my wing slammed against his chest, knocking him down. He coughed, the wind probably knocked out of him, and I bounced off the platform back up into the air, where I used all my power to push the air with my wings, creating some sort of wind. I just kept beating my wings, pushing more and more wind onto Iida, keeping him on the ground.

"No hard feelings?" I laughed, pausing my assault, giving him time to stand up. I wanted to let him fight a bit longer.

Iida pushed up his glasses, a determined glare reaching his face. "No hard feelings."

And then I dove again.

And again, and again, and again.

My wings were screaming at me, but I had committed to winning, and I just needed to keep divebombing him until he was out of steam. And it seemed to be working perfectly.

Iida staggered to get up from my last attack, and I smiled sympathetically. "Sorry, Iida. I just want to do my best."

He shook his head. "No, I understand."

So I dove again, but this time I didn't hit him with my wings; this time I tackled him to the ground, ending with him on his stomach, me on his back holding his hands together, and my wings behind me, making sure he didn't use his engines on me from here.

I brought my first two fingers up, and poked him right where the collar bone meets the shoulder, and I felt one of his arms go limp. I did that to the other one, and then in other pressure points, where I knew would cause him to be immobile.

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