Chapter Seventeen ~ Akiara!

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Okay so, most of the next few chapters will be told from Akiara's point of view. Deal with it.

Today's Song:

Title: Locked Away
Artist: R. City [ft Adam Levine]

Akiara's POV

"Don't worry, I'll get you to Todoroki."

I looked up at him. How did he know that deep down I was wishing I was with Todoroki?

I nodded, but turned my attention back to the villains, whose numbers were increasing greatly. Kirishima kept his hand on my elbow. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Todoroki looking at us. He nodded to Kirishima, and Kirishima did the same back, as if agreeing on something.

A deep voice started speaking. "The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraserhead. Perplexing." The voice had a deep and sultry sound to it, which made me shiver. "According to the schedule we received from UA, All Might should be here as well."

Aizawa leaned forwards. "So you scumbags used the press as a coverup to sneak onto campus."

A giant navy blue creature came through the purple mist. It had an eye on either side of its head, and it's brain was exposed. Disgusting.

The guy with all the hands wrapped around him spoke. His voice was raspy and had a cutting edge to it, and I squeaked again, Kirishima's grip on my elbow tightening. "Where is he?" He asked. "I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who are eager to meet him. They want All Might, the great symbol of peace. I can't believe he's not here." His voice turned more evil. "Maybe if I kill a few kids he'll come out to play."

Aizawa's scarf suddenly went into action, flying into the air on command.

If I had shoes on, I'd be visibly shaking in them. I ripped out of Kirishima's grasp and instead held onto his forearm with my hand, tightening my grip, letting him know I was terrified.

"What? Real villains?" Kirishima questioned. "No way. How could so many of them get into a UA facility this secure?"

Momo stepped forward. "Yeah, Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?"

"Good question." Thirteen stated in a low voice. "I'm not sure."

Todoroki was next to speak up. "Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at the same time a class was being taught." I wish I could just run over and jump into his arms, he'd make all my fears go away. But Aizawa told us not to move. Todoroki continued. "They're fools for trespassing here. But they've thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?" All of the boys surrounding me sweatdropped.

"Thirteen." Aizawa started. "Get them out of here, and alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications, too. Kaminari." The boy in question stood up straighter. "Try using your quirk to contact the school."

"Yes, sir." The yellow-haired boy replied, bringing his hand up to the device on his ear.

Midoriya stepped forward. "What are you gonna do?! You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of them. Even if you can cancel their quirks, your fighting style is not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. That's not going to help with a group." His fanboy physique could definitely be useful sometimes, I'll give him that.

"You can't be a pro if you only have one trick." Aizawa answered. He began to walk forward. "I'll leave it to you, Thirteen." And with that, Aizawa took one large leap down the stairs, and began the battle. He erased the first three opponents' quirks, and used his scarf to throw them into the ground.

The group of students began to follow Thirteen back to the doors.

Except for one sneaky little green-haired kid.

"Midoriya!" I called out to him, and retracted myself from Kirishima, turning around. "Midoriya, come on!" He didn't come the first time I said, so I ran back for him.

"Saki!" Kirishima called out, causing Todoroki to turn around at the sound of my name.

Todoroki yelled for me as well. "Akiara!"

I ran with my bare feet over to Midoriya, who was still watching Aizawa fight. I tugged on his sleeve.

"There's no time, come on!" I said, struggling to make him move with me.

Iida stayed behind a little to say, "This is no time to be analyzing! We have to go!" Midoriya turned and nodded, both of us following.

Midoriya was faster than me though, which caused me to be at the very back of the group. My breathing quickened. NO, Akiara! This is absolutely not a good time to be having a panic attack! Suck it up and don't be a baby! I swallowed, my throat dry. I found my way back to Kirishima, who was beckoning for me. I really wanted to go to Todoroki, but he was too far ahead in the group.

All of a sudden, the same purple mist appeared in front of the door, and it reached higher into the air and yellow slits like eyes appeared. The same deep and sultry voice from before spoke as the students and Thirteen gasped. "There's no escape for you. It's a pleasure to meet you." The mist said. "We are the league of villains." I grabbed a hold of Kirishima's forearm again, and just like before, he had no problem with it. "I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today, yet I see no sign of him. There must have been a change of plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, now in the end I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."

Thirteen uncapped her finger, and pointed it towards the mist.

But before she could do anything, Kirishima ripped out of my grasp, and he and Bakugou charged at the purple substance. Bakugou created an explosion, which covered the whole area we were standing. I began coughing, the smoke entering my lungs. But it soon disappeared and I heard Kirishima speak.

"Did you think we would just let you tear this place to shreds?"

The mist seemed unharmed. "You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt." The yellow slits narrowed so they were mere stripes of bioluminescent light.

"You two," Thirteen instructed Kirishima and Bakugou. "Get out of the way right now!"

The slits widened again, and the voice spoke. "I'll scatter you across this facility," The purple matter began to encase the group of students, and Kirishima ran in front of me as the voice continued. "To meet my comrades, and your deaths!"

Everybody braced for impact, and I held onto Kirishima's arms. "I told--" He said to me, "I promised Todoroki I'd protect you if the two of you got separated--" The purple substance began to rip us apart, until we were completely disconnected.

My eyes were closed tight, and when I opened them again, all I could see was fire.

Mwawhaha! Dramaaaaa!


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