Chapter Twenty-One ~ He Said I Could Come

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Another short chapter, sorry lol. And no song cuz I'm lazy.

Akiara's POV

 "Akiara!!!!" My little sister announced the next day, barging into the house through the front door. "I'm home!"

I was sitting on the couch, with a new layer of bandages on my burns, reading the daily newspaper. The USJ attack had been on the front page of every news article. Midoriya and I had been taken into the police station to give the detectives our information, and I provided the names of Shigaraki and Kurogiri. School was closed today, and I assumed the administration wanted us to have a day off, and contemplate what had just happened the day before.

I straightened my back when Haruka closed the door and kicked off her shoes, walking further into the small house. "Oh, Haruka! How was school today?"

Haruka bounded over and plopped on the couch next to me, curling up and leaning against my shoulder. "It was good, I guess."

I raised an eyebrow. "You guess?"

"Yeah... My new best friend Jin Kaiyo was getting bullied everyday. She didn't tell me, and then I saw the older kids making fun of her because of how her quirk makes her look." She explained.

I frowned. "What's her quirk?"

"She's the one that I said could turn into a dragon." Haruka said, smiling this time. "She's so funny! She's really shy, though. Only talks around me and her sister Madoka, who's a year older than us. The older boys were making fun of her because she has horns and wings, and really long fingernails."

"Did you stand up for her?" I asked, wrapping an arm around her.

Haruka beamed up at me with pride. "Yep! I ran right in front of her and told all the kids to back off. They said a puny little bird like me couldn't do anything to them, and then I punched the leader right in the jaw."

A parent might have been mad at her for punching a peer, but I was dang straight proud of her. "Great job, Haruka!" I gave her a high-five and she grinned uncontrollably.

That's when we heard a knock at the door.

"I'll go get it." I said, and I tried not to limp as I strode over to the oak door. I turned the knob to open it, and saw a kind old lady standing on the porch. She was wearing a pale blue shirt, with a multicolored scarf draping over both her shoulders. A black wide-brimmed hat was placed on her head, with a pink flower attached to it. A dark brown skirt and boots completed the look.

"Hello, Akiara." She said with a warm smile which reminded me a lot of Recovery Girl.

"Mrs Chizu!" I exclaimed. "Come in, come in. What can I do for you?" I asked, opening the door wider and indicating for her to step inside.

Eiko Chizu was our kind neighbor, an old lady who took care of foster children around Haruka's age. Her quirk was Sweet Tooth, and she could make any type of candy appear from the pockets of whatever she was wearing, pants, a skirt, jacket, etc. It was definitely the quirk of an old lady. She had been acting as our grandmother ever since we moved here, inviting us over for dinner, and even having us stay at her house for christmas. She had once met our mother, and they became good friends. It was a wonderful coincidence we ended up being neighbors.

Chizu waved away my offer. "No, no, I'm only here for a moment."

"Oh, alright then." I smiled at her. I heard Haruka running over to stand beside me, and she waved at Chizu, who winked at her.

"Hey there, Haru."

Haruka grinned. "Hi Mrs Chizu!!"

Chizu turned back to me. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight. The children have really been wondering what happened to you." She indicated to all of my bandages, which covered both of my arms, legs, and my forehead.

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