Zee: I removed my hand from his as I rubbed his thigh while turning into his drive way. "You don't have to worry about me Gun, I've been taking my medication. Also if were speaking truths, I don't think I want to pay you when he have sex anymore. It makes me feel guilty, kind of like I'm calling you cheap and your everything but cheap. I... I r-really care about you..."

Gun: He climbs out of my car and grabs our bangs on his way to the front door as I silently follow behind him. "That's okay, I never actually spend your money. It's all in a savings account at "lainly bank", I wanted to give it all back to you once I admitted how I felt about you. We can go and get it tomorrow morning if you'd like."

Why the hell did he do that though? 

I gave it to him and expected him to at least use it for something nice for himself. 

He deserves only the best of everything...

Zee: I walk in past him and pick him up as I kick the door closed with my foot. I carry him over my shoulder as I make our way to the bedroom. "I don't want the money, you can keep it. Don't fight me on this. If you really don't want to use it then help me look for a house and well use it to pay a good portion of the expenses. If I'm correct there has to be at least 125,000 in that account now."

Gun: Mumbling from over my shoulder. "It's more like 205,000 actually... I slowly paid back the money I owed you for all of my hospital bills you paid after you saved my life. I didn't want to owe you anything so I gradually put the money in the bank account once I got it..."

Feeling a little overwhelmed I plopped him down onto the bed and crawled over him as I looked at his small and adorable facial features that were curved into a small smile at the moment.

Zee: I could feel joy in my heart but I couldn't really understand why. "You keep surprising me and its attractive as hell."

Gun: He giggled cutely as he leaned up and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I didn't want you to think that I was using you for money. You mean more to me than any materialistic thing but there was something I wanted to talk to you about first... I've just been afraid that it's going to make you upset."

This could be anything, there's so many possibility's to what he's going to say and it put a little bit of weight on my heart.

Zee: I rest an elbow on either side of his head as I laid directly on him without squishing him. "What is it? I promise it won't change my mind about wanting to be with you, you know I can't get mad at you."

Gun: He crests my cheek softly as a tear slides out from his left eye. I gently wipe it away with my thumb. "I didn't mean to spy on you but about a month ago I went to a café to order some coffee I heard your conversation with a waitress about how the guy you had your arm draped over was your boyfriend." He closes his eyes as my hand starts to shake out of guilt. "Please Zee... Can you leave him? I want to be your only one..."

He's been holding this in for a month?

Why the hell didn't he say anything earlier?...

Zee: I lean my forehead against his and let out a slow breath. "He means nothing to me Gun, ill end things as soon as I can but I promise that I won't touch him again. I can also promise you that you are the one that I want to spend my life with, I will come back for you. So, please don't give up on me..."

Gun: He kisses me softly before wiping a tear from my cheek that I hadn't realized was there. "I'm not going anywhere. I just want you to myself, I know that's a selfish thing to ask for but I don't want to have any more regrets."

Zee: I deepen our kiss and softly suck on his tongue before pulling back slightly. " I lov..."

*Ring, Ring, Ring.*

I shoot dangers toward the door with my eyes as my phone disturbs my confession.

Zee: I get up from on top of Gun and walk over to my bag. "What the hell is it with people and calling me during all of the wrong timings."

I flip my phone over to see Xing's name flashing on my phone as I let out a sigh of frustration. Why is she calling me so late? I just saw her a few hours ago.

Zee: Except my attitude disappeared once I started to hear her crying on the other side of the phone. "Sis what's wrong?"

Xing: She sniffles a bit before continuing. "Y-you w-were right Zee. You were right about e-everything. T-tul doesn't love me anymore..."


I let out a heavy sigh as I went to go sit on the bed as Gun wrapped his legs around my waist and rubbed my back soothingly.

Zee: "I told you that you should have just left him be. I know that he didn't want to hurt you."

Xing: "you were wrong about one thing though..."

Zee: Feeling a little confused. "What was I wrong about?"

Xing: "He didn't wait to tell me, I found Max naked in his bed."

As my brain was processing what she was saying I could feel my body shaking in anger at the implication of what she was saying. That means that Tul cheated on my sister. 

I see him as a brother to me and I truly do not want to hurt him but he needs to suffer for what he's done. If he loves Max so much to allow her to suffer like this than I'm going to make it to where they can't be together. 

Nobody hurts her and gets away with it.

Not even Tul...

Zee: "No need to cry anymore sis, don't worry I'll take care of everything."

I turned off my phone before she could reply and throw it across the room in anger.

What the fuck were you thinking Tul?

You're going to pay...

Cruel Reality (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now