Chapter 22: Show and Yell

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I am a violent bean with violent tendencies lol

Content Warnings: Mention of attempted sexual assault, mentions of castration


Hunter looked back at me. "You go from not wanting us in the apartment next to yours to allowing us in your private room."

I shrugged the best I could under Wrecker's stomach, reaching out towards my controller so I could pause the video. "Eh, later it gets the more chill and laid back I get. Closer I am to midnight the less energy I have to give a shit. Tech, can you reach that remote?"

The engineer wriggled under Wrecker and stretched out towards the controller. Grabbing it, he passed it to me. "Here."

"Thanks, nerd," I said, pausing the video.

"Why didn't you just use your telekinesis to summon it to you?" Hunter asked, walking around us to look at one of the posters on my wall.

"I be lazy."

"Mmhm." He stopped in front of my shredded target, inspecting the gash in the silhouette's forehead. "Nice aim."

"Knives and hatchets, I can show 'em to you if you'd like."

He "I won't turn down meeting... who was it?" He raised an eyebrow. "Sir Stabsalot?"

"That's one of 'em. I'll grab the others," I offered, prodding Wrecker's bulk with an elbow. "Hey, let me up, Wrecker."

"Say please."

A comical scowl spread across my face and I looked to Tech. "This normal?"

The engineer sighed. "Very."

I got an idea that could benefit us both. "Wreck, if you get off, I'll let you pet my hair."

I had no idea he could move as quickly as he did. "Deal!" he exclaimed, a wide grin on his face.

"Ack!" Tech coughed as Wrecker accidentally kneed him in the stomach.

"Sorry, Shrimp!" Wrecker apologized, moving to kneel beside Tech as the engineer curled in a fetal position, arms curled around his stomach.

"Shoot, you good, Tech?" I asked, on all fours next to him and Wrecker.


"You sound like a wheezy squeaky toy," I remarked, tilting my head to the side. "You sure you're good, man?"

"He'll be fine," Hunter said, kneeling peering over my shoulder at Tech. "I think."

"Honest, I am quite fine," Tech groaned, slowly sitting up. Breathing slow, he looked up at me. "You bore the brunt of his weight. How are you able to move so quickly?"

"I've survived a buildin' fallin' on me, remember?"

"A buildin ' fell on ya?!" Wrecker exclaimed, the volume of his voice causing both Hunter and me to wince.

"Yeah. When I got launched into the side of that buildin', I went through the wall. Structurally unsound, it was comin' down anyway," I said, shifting my weight and waving him off with one hand.

"Maker!" Tech yelped, interrupting Wrecker and gawking at my elbow.

I looked down as my elbow which was currently bending a way it really shouldn't, making my arm look broken. "Oh. Don't worry, Tech, it does that."

"Is that normal for your species?" he squeaked.

"Well ah... no," I said with a nervous laugh as Wrecker prodded at it with a finger. "Mine are just wonky. My collar bone also rolls!"

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