Chapter 13: But Why Tho? The Sequel

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Me being the crazy cat girl in elementary school? It's more likely than you think.

I'm also gonna kill Hunter


I jerked my head around. Rushing River, his muzzle stained with blood, stood in the doorway, not moving as his golden eyes stared at Crosshair. He stood relaxed, the slight bristle of fur along his shoulders and his twitching tail tip the only sign of agitation. "Easy, son. Point that thing somewhere else. I haven't reached a century and a half only to be shot in my own barn."

Tech jumped up. "Did he just speak?" he exclaimed, looking to me in surprise.

Rushing River huffed, a low rumble that resonated with my chest and I understood to be a kelusine laugh. "What's wrong? Never seen a kelusine before?" he purred, stretching and showing his fearsome claws that had to be as long as my fingers.

I stood up. "Rushing River!" I walked over and rubbed heads with the big cat in greeting, feeling a purr in my throat.

Returning the friendly gesture with a low chuffing noise, he hooked a massive paw gently around my leg and tugged. Allowing myself to fall back, I was surprised how natural it all felt. Must have been the feline genes within me, that Alphian coursing through me. Guiding my movements as I greeted the kelusine, connecting me to him in ways a regular human never could. I found I didn't mind the smell of blood on his muzzle, nor did I mind when that blood stained my shirt and face as he continued to rub his massive head against me. Low groaning sounded from his throat as his enormous paws braced on either side of my hips, reminding me of lions I'd seen greet other members of their pride. I mimicked him, groaning low myself, burying my fingers into his thick mane and scratching in a circular pattern. He laid down, resting his giant head on me, covering my entire torso as his whiskers tickled my face.

Oh, the boys were definitely staring at me now. Hunter's eyes looked like they were about to leap out of his head, Wrecker's mouth hung open, and Tech was tapping away at his vambrace as he no doubt recorded the sounds. Only Crosshair didn't look shocked, although I could see that his rifle had lowered, if only slightly.

I winced as Rushing River's saber teeth poked me. "Easy with the rubbin', I can feel those teeth of yours!"

He huffed again, the low sound shaking my very bones, before settling back on his haunches and staring down at me. "Gee, Shads, what in the Depths happened to you?"

Propping myself up on my elbows, I looked down at my body which was still covered in grass, sweat, and dirt, plus the blood of whatever Rushing River had killed. "Oh, had a... fun game of tag with some commandos." I jerked my head at the men. "Although this blood certainly isn't mine, you just eat?"

"Yeah, had a successful hunt. And pretty rough game of tag," he remarked, eyes slightly narrowing at the men before he huffed again and looked down at me. "Although you do like to play rough."

I shrugged. "Makes it fun."

Wrecker looked fascinated at the large predator. "A talking kitty!"

"A big talking kitty," Hunter commented, shifting in front of his brothers and drawing his knife.

"Hey!" I protested, scooting back and pushing myself to my feet before brushing off some fur. My hands came away red. "Sure, he's big enough to look me in the eye without lifting his head, but he's not hostile." I looked back at the kelusine. "Rush, I'm fine. We're all good now."

"You don't smell of fear so I'll take your word for it." He glanced at Tech as the man approached and started looking him over. The kelusine swished his tail, whiskers twitching in amusement as he watched Tech circle him. "Curious fella."

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