Chapter 10: But Why Tho?

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I come for Crosshair's neck.
Also, gotta love fourth wall breaks!


I abandoned Crosshair's gun and dove to the side into a sloppy shoulder roll, barely dodging Wrecker.

Great, more cardio! Except this time, instead of dodging a panther, squirrel monkey, and walking stick, I had to avoid a freight train! At least freight trains could only travel in a straight line and did not have good breaks. The trick, however, would be to stay out of its way.

It took him a moment to stop and turn but then he was charging at me again.

"Hey! C'mon man!" I protested, scrambling out of the way again. Sure, I liked the guy, but not enough to let him run me over.

Hunter stood to the side, arms crossed as he watched the scene unfold. "Wrecker, when you do catch her, don't break her."

"Asshole!" I yelled at him before shouting at Tech, "Tech! Little help!"

"He won't hurt you if he catches you! I think!" he yelped as he watched Wrecker gain on me.

"You think ?" I yelled, skidding to a halt and diving to the side again as Wrecker nearly caught me. "In case your goggles are smudged, this man is after me like a runaway freight train right now!"

"Just wanna get you back for kickin' my brothers!"

"Is there a non-violent way to get even for that?" I yelped, running towards the back of the ship. "Or is that a stupid question?"

"C'mon, Small Fry, I won't hurt ya bad!" Wrecker laughed, sounding like a supervillain.

"I am not small! I am a tall midget!" I retorted, dashing around the ship and sliding under the belly to cut back towards the trees. More dirt and grit stuck to me and stung my cuts but I had bigger issues right now. Rushing past Hunter, I growled, "You can stop this at any time you know!"

"I could," he acknowledged with a shrug as I charged past. "But I won't. This is rather enjoyable."

"To you !" I was running out of steam. "He breaks me, I can't hike!"

"Hmm, that's true." He paused. "I'll let karma deal with you for a bit longer," he decided as Wrecker barreled past him.

"I hope you step on a snake!" Scurrying up a tree, I kicked at Wrecker's hands as he reached upwards. "Begone! Go on! Git!"

He just laughed and continued to grab for my ankle. "Oh, come down here!"

Forget freight train, I had an overly excited rottweiler chasing me! I didn't sign up to be a squirrel! I tried to jump over Wrecker, but he abruptly turned and caught me in a near crushing grip, pinning me between two layers of hard armor. "Ack!"

"Gotcha again!" he laughed, holding me in the air.

Coughing, I noticed his grip was tight but not exactly painful. So, he had some control. Well that was a relief. I still did not enjoy this impromptu hug secession. His armor did not help matters, especially when he hugged me closer. "Ugh, I'd rather you run me over than cuddle me!" I complained, squirming.

"Then I'm holdin' you for the briefin'!"

"No! Tech!" I whined, looking over at the goggled trooper. "Help me out here!"

He raised his hands. "I don't think I'll get involved with this. Besides, you said yourself he'd get you back for kicking us."

"Excuse me for using self defense to defend my self !" I hissed, still wriggling in Wrecker's grip.

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