Chapter 19: What Are Those

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Jackpot !

A large grin spread across Wrecker's scarred face as he gazed at the weaponry before him. That was one dangerous woman!

Wrecker already knew she was a powerful fighter and had immensely enjoyed watching her beat the absolute shit out of that annoying bastard James, but now he found he liked her even more! Her collection was not as impressive as his own arsenal of course, but his was hard to beat after all. But just look at what she had!

He'd initially gone to lift the couch for his batchmate, only to have Crosshair wave him off. Fine by him, he was free to search for her stash.

Opening the door had been an issue, but once inside it hadn't taken Wrecker long to find her stash of guns, sealed behind a bulletproof transparisteel window in her closet. He supposed it had been a bedroom at one point but she'd since converted it into a storage locker of sorts. Getting to them would not be easy, at least not without ripping the storage unit open. And he didn't want to do that. He'd ask to see them up close later, but for now he'd admire them from outside the glass even though he itched to hold them.

For being so small, her guns certainly weren't. He may not have recognized the models, but he knew machine guns when he saw them. Sniper rifles too! Crosshair had to approve of her now! In total, Wrecker saw five guns; three rifles and two machine guns. To his surprise, all five looked to be slugthrowers. Strange, she wasn't a Jedi hunter or Mandalorian.

But boy was she really was something! Bold, daring, quick witted, and slightly insane, and Wrecker loved it. Finally, someone they had to work with wasn't a scaredy cat or downright arrogant.

She's real pretty, too , Wrecker thought, faint red creeping across his cheeks. He wanted her to like him, he really did. Sure, she was a fellow pyromaniac and rough houser, but he knew he scared most women away. He was too big, too loud, too brash, too reckless.

But she wasn't scared of him! Besides, he was Shadow's favorite of the group! Right? That's what the big barn cat said... He swore her own cheeks colored when the cat teased her, the blush faint yet nevertheless there. It was cute, and he would have told her that had he not been certain she'd clock him in the jaw.

How was he to go about this? Could he even accomplish this? He didn't have Hunter's charm, Tech's brains, or Crosshair's skill... all he had was brute strength.

But she liked humor, didn't she? Sure she did! Her jabs at Crosshair were witty and clever, not some half assed insult he'd seen from some. They cracked him up! That sharp tongue of hers and quick comebacks only raised his opinion of her.

Wrecker had only been half joking when he called dibs. Cute, clever, witty, and a fighter to the bone, she was perfect in his eyes. A bit short, but she certainly made up for that in her sheer ferocity.

Five days. A whole standard week! Surely, he could get her to like him in that span of time, especially considering they'd be around each other all day and night. Hopefully he didn't make a fool out of himself...

Voices from down the hall tore Wrecker from his thoughts. A small smile broke across his face when he heard Shadow's softer tone.

Not soft, just softer.

Heading towards the living room, excitement swelled in his chest. The week started now, and he was determined to make every moment he could count.



Oh dear.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

How did that one conversation go in Polar Express ?

Off to a Great Start (Adventures!AU Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora