Two days earlier

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Two days earlier before I extirpated a guy and before it all went down hill. I was enjoying my life. I was being Bob J Murie working at McDonald's, no one suspecting that I was The Crusher. It was two days until my birthday and I was turning 21. I was so overjoyed with excitement. That was until he found me. The man of all men, the strong, the brave, the smart, my mortal enemy, Roman found me and who has been trying to hunt me down ever since I tried to take over the government in 2075, when I was 16. I figured he would have moved on by now but no all that stupid man cares about is having me dead. Most people just go on with their lives. I mean it is 2080 for crying out loud. All I have ever wanted since the death of my parents and the accident of my leg being amputated was world domination but now I'm not so sure. I mean my life is good I neutralize bad guys by using my telepathy and bashes their skulls in, and for pay and a good hide out I'm working at Mcdonald's. I'm a handsome guy a solid 9. I'm not interested in dating though.  Chip , my chimp is the only one that's stayed with me. I'm hoping that while I hide from Roman someone will feed Chip. I can't lose him too, I already lost my damn leg.

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