Chapter 1: Not Again

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Clone troopers, am I right?
Gotta love hyperfixating on the Bad Batch! It's even better when you decide to make a self insert fic that makes fun of the fact its a self insert. It's the standard drill: fan of the show gets sucked into the universe and proceeds to fall for the Bad Batch. As you do.

But how often do you get to read a story where that self insert is well aware of her predicament and is salty about it?
Look no further than this dumpster fire of a fic! It's got it all! Salt, worldbuilding, salt, the bad batch, salt, shenanigans, salt, humor, and... oh yeah! SALT.

For those reading this, you are actually reading a revised edition of the original fic  with better worldbuilding/scenes. Enjoy!



It happened... again.

I'm just chillin' in my room, mindin' my own business, then the universe says "YEET" and I find myself in a fandom. Literally.

I just really hoped I didn't end up with a gang of armed idiots again. I was getting sick to the back teeth of dealing with that, no matter how fun it was. Why couldn't I get thrown into a peaceful fandom? One that didn't include walking disasters such as a crew full of idiot sailors with their treasure hunting and drug smuggling schemes.

Can't win 'em all, I guess. Or any in my case. The universe loved to make me suffer for some reason.

Figuring out how I got here would be nice. I could almost call it normal by this point, or as normal as it could be. But I never quite figured how it happened. Magic? Imagination? Dreaming? Drugs?

All I knew was one moment I was just in my room, vibin' and having a good ol' time, and then, suddenly, I'm not.

Better get this over with. Lifting my head, I blinked open my eyes.

A man not much older than me sat across from me, teeth bared in a crazed grin as his green eyes gleamed. He looked smaller than he had during the last round of shenanigans, but I didn't think much of it. Bigger issues.

"Welcome to a galaxy far, far away, Shadow," he said, brushing black hair from his eyes.

"Trevor," I groaned, sitting up on the stool. "So, it's the Star Wars universe this time, huh? Which show, book, or movie are we in?" As I finished, I glanced around to see where the hell I'd ended up.

A large room, far more Earth-like in architecture than expected, that functioned as a kitchen, living room, and eating area with a small countertop area separating the living room and kitchen. Behind me, two doors led to what I assumed was a bedroom and a bathroom. Back in the living room, at the far end curtains drawn to the side revealed sliding glass doors leading out to a balcony overlooking a sprawling mass of lush mountains. The slightest hint of golds and yellows hinted at the imminent arrival of fall.

Mountains, huh? Good, maybe I can just flee into the woods and be a hermit. They're pretty popular in this fandom after all. But how ironic it's fall here while spring in reality.

"You're in that Clone Wars show you adored as a kid," Trevor replied, pulling me out of my musings.

Oh no .

"On a little backwater world in the Outer Rim."

Oh good .

"There's a twist to this universe, of course, but I'll let you figure that out when... they get here."

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