Adult life (Chapter 18)

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" Ashi, eat something before you leave." Rudra told his eldest daughter.
Today was her first day of pursuing higher education, and she was a nervous mess. A terrified wreck.
Barnaby smiled at her. " You will do great!" and with that he gave her a kiss, in full view of her family which made her blush.
Ophelia only laughed, but Rudra was not quite sure what to make of the entire situation. Seeing his little girl like that- granted his little girl was eighteen- it was an odd sight.
At least his second little girl was only twelve. Hopefully she wouldn't start talking about boys too soon, he thought.
Hazel was home for another week. Her second year would soon begin, and she was already very excited for it, if also nervous going back to Hogwarts without her sister. She hadn't had major trouble with her heart last year, but two weeks ago she had gotten a bit of a scare. It had been heartpains again and she had to spend a couple of days in the hospital, so she was quite scared...

Barnaby assured Rowan again that it would be great. After all, it had been for him. He had started working a few days ago, and it was amazing, he had never been happier.
He wasn't even sure what he had worried about anymore. Everyone at work was really nice, all of them obsessed with creatures just like he was.
Rowan smiled nervously. She hoped it would be just as great for her...
With a happy smile, Barnaby handed her Barnaby Jr. telling her to bring him.
She pulled him into a hug, thanking him.
Then she said goodbye to the rest of her family and left.
She was so excited yet nervous-

The day went okay. Rowan had some issues finding her way around the wizarding university at first, but soon had one of her seniors help her out. It was fine afterwards.
Since she had come home from Uni, she couldn't stop talking about how great and wonderful it was, how excited she was about going there every day... even during dinnertime she didn't stop.
" Rowan. Eat." Ophelia said. She was glad her daughter was adapting, but she still wanted her to eat something. Even though Rowan had began eating normally a while after returning from captivity, the weeks of being starved had still left their mark, she was still quite thin.
Barnaby smiled. " I told you it would be fine!"
She discretely grabbed his hand under the table.
Once during her day she had gotten really anxious, she had started seeing Rakepick everywhere again, but after cuddling Barnaby Jr. for a little while the episode had passed.
She was so glad to have such a great Puffskein to calm her, and an even greater boyfriend that lend him to her.

Later in the evening Barnaby and Rowan went to her room- her father didn't like it. Rudra was having a hard time letting go of the idea of Rowan being his little daughter that he needed to protect, especially after everything that had happened last year.
Little did he know that all they were doing was reading and discussing creatures.
Rowan was lounging on her bed, her nose in a book as usual, while Barnaby was looking out the window, watching the small creatures that were running around in-between the trees... he loved it here. It was one of his favourite places in the world...
After a while he sat down next to Rowan, beginning to read over her shoulder. He did that a lot these days, and she really liked it.
Barnaby Jr. that had previously been sitting on Barnaby's shoulder migrated to sitting on Rowans arm.
For some reason it was really calming to have him look over her shoulder like that, maybe because it always made her feel safe to have him close, she wasn't sure.
He lent his head against her shoulder, his breath tickling the back of her neck which made her giggle. With a smile she turned around and met his lips with hers. Well maybe there weren't only parent-approved activities going on in her room at all times- though it was rarer than her parents figured.
Barnaby Jr. had a rather uncomfortable dismount from Rowans shoulder, as Barnaby threw her around so that her back was on the bed.
He had just lent over her to kiss her, when there was a knock on the door, which sent Rowan jumping backwards into a sitting position. She really had no desire to be caught.
The door opened.
Hazel walked into the room and sat down on the bed with no care in the world.
Rowan sighed. " Hello Haze. What is the matter?"
Hazel said that she needed to talk to her. Alone.
Barnaby seemed a little upset by this. " But I'm a great listener!"
Rowan pet his back, telling him that she knew that. But Hazel probably wanted to tell her something no one else was supposed to know.
Still seeming a little upset, Barnaby left the room.

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