Family time (Chapter 16)

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"Are you excited to go back home?" Nonie asked Rowan, while the were making decorations for a Christmas tree. It was late December, and soon the winter holidays would begin.
This year, plenty of people would be going home for Christmas, so the friend group was planning to have a gift swap and a small party beforehand.
So now Rowan and Nonie were making decorations for a Christmas tree some of their friends were trying to get their hands on.

"I really am." Rowan said, while cutting snowflake garlands. "I'm happy to go back home, to show my parents how much I have improved. And my grandparents are coming all the way from India to spend the holidays with us, so it will be nice."
Hazel groaned. She was helping them with the decorations. "Dadiji is going to bring us Saris again, that Mum will force us to wear."
Rowan shook her head, saying that she actually quite liked it when their grandmother brought them clothes from India. While she would not usually wear a Sari, she preferred British clothing, she loved seeing her grandparents happy faces when she embraced her families culture.
Both Rowan and Hazel had been raised mostly British, so just seeing them do something as simple as wearing traditional clothing, it made them incredibly happy.
"Just do them this one favour, Haze. It makes them so happy." Rowan said.
She groaned again, saying that fine, she'd wear the stupid Sari.

"Christmas at your house is so nice..." Barnaby said, dreamy. "It was so fun last year!"
He seemed quite upset, having to go to his own home this year... his parents made him come home every year, trying to get him to "act more like a man".
"Why don't you stay at our place again??" Hazel asked, excited. She liked Barnaby, she found it fun to show him around the tree farm, she would love for him to stay there again!
Barnaby gulped, looking at Rowan. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea...
But Rowan smiled, saying that it sounded like a good idea. Their parents would be delighted to have him again, and their grandparents would love him.
A big smile spread over Barnaby's face.
Another Christmas at the Khanna house, that was all he wanted...

There was happy cheering and laughing filling the charms classroom.
It was the day before everyone would go their separate ways for a few weeks, and they were having their party. Professor Flitwick had luckily allowed them to use the classroom.
Everyone was happy with their gifts.
Highlights included: A leash Rowan got gifted for Barnaby Jr, as the little fluff ball often tended to hop off her shoulder. A copy of "hairy snout, human heart" for Chiara. She had wanted to read it for years, but never got the opportunity. And lastly, a sweater with the writing "tired, do not approach" for Nonie. She had a good laugh about it, saying that it was indeed not a good idea to approach her while she was almost falling asleep.
Now everyone was just sitting around eating cookies and telling Christmas stories.
Even Merula and Ismelda looked to be having an alright time, which was an odd sight.
And Beatrice... she got on surprisingly well with Hazel.
No one was able to resist Hazels happy personality it seemed, not even Bea.
They were even laughing together.
Penny smiled. She loved seeing her sister so happy.
Rowan was proud of Hazel. She was such an amazing young girl.

It was the day after that everyone was going home.
Or in Barnaby's case, going to visit Rowan's family.
He was quite excited.
Barnaby Jr. was sat on his lap. Rowan didn't need him as much anymore, so he got some time with his pet again. He was fine with her keeping him because it helped her anxiety, but now that she did not need him as much anymore Barnaby was glad to get some time with him again.
With a smile, he looked at Rowan.
She was sitting across from him, talking to Nonie and Chiara. Just... having a normal conversation. A few month ago when school had just started she would not have been able to do that... He was so happy for her.

"Mum, Dad!!" the train had arrived in London, and Hazel immediately jumped out, running to see her parents.
Meanwhile Rowan gathered their bags before following her. Hazel was so impulsive...
After, she exited the train. Barnaby was following her like a shadow.
Rudra and Ophelia were still currently busy cuddling Hazel, telling her how proud they were. She was such a good student, with great potential it was said.
"Rowan!!" Rudra then said, running to scoop his older daughter up in his arms.
He lifted her up, making her yelp. "Ashi, I'm so proud of you... You are so brave, so brave... my big girl..."
Ophelia put a hand on his arm. "Honey I'm proud of her too, but I think she can't breath."
With a laugh he apologised, and put his daughter back down. But then he hugged her again. She seemed okay, he thought. A lot better then she had when he last saw her. Of course, because of her letters he knew that she was better, but actually seeing her... seem like his daughter again, not like this empty husk Rakepick had left behind, it made him emotional. He almost started crying, he could just barely contain himself.

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