The road to recovery (Chapter 11)

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Rowan was laying in her bed, blankly staring at the ceiling. Her blanket was tightly wrapped around her, and an army of her old stuffed animals that had actually been banished into her closet two years ago were sitting on her bed, keeping her company. Fuzzclaw the family cat was curled up at her feet.
A worn out plush owl she held in her arms, hugging it tightly.
She had been home for three weeks now, she was finally safe. But... she didn't feel like it. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Rakepick's face. Then her heart started to race, her vision grew blurry even though she was wearing her glasses.
She felt a debilitating fear, one that kept her from doing anything. Anytime she heard a noise, she flinched, anytime someone called her name she feared what would come next...
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get out of bed. Whenever she tried, her legs just gave out from under her... so she really only went to the bathroom and to take a shower every now and then...
Her physical injuries might have healed, but the mental ones were still there...
She felt like Rakepick was still there, constantly hovering over her shoulder, ready to send R after her to capture her again. And that was even though she knew that Rakepick had been taken into custody, along with all known members of R.
They had raided the hideout, bringing everyone found there to Azkaban.
Even now they were still investigating it, finding new clues about the people associated with it R.

"Come on sweetheart, you need to eat something." Ophelia Khanna said, putting a tray on her bedside table. "I made your favourite, Samosas filled with tomato and mozzarella cheese."
Rowan looked at them, not saying a word.
She didn't have an appetite either, she just couldn't eat....
"Please Rowan, just eat one." her mother said, caressing her hair. "You have to eat. I want you to get better, you need to stay strong..."
With a heavy sigh Rowan ate one, just to make her mother happy...

While she was eating, her Mum told her that she and her Dad would be gone for the evening, and if she could handle it.
They had some important business to attend to, which was testifying against R.
"If you don't want to be alone with Hazel, we can call someone to watch the two of you, okay?" Ophelia asked, in a soft tone of voice.
"No!" came a deviant voice from the door. "I can watch out for Rowan! I'm learning how to be big and strong after all!" Hazel was standing in the doorway, hands on her hips, looking like she was ready for an argument.
But Ophelia just looked at Rowan, that shrugged not really seeming to care.
To Hazel's surprise there was no argument involved, her Mum just said okay, she could watch out for her sister.

"Mum said I shouldn't leave until you have eaten at least two sandwiches!" Hazel said, pushing a sandwich against Rowan's lips. "Eat, eat, eat!"
Rowan sighed, and in an unsteady tone of voice asked her sister to leave her alone.
Hazel put the plate with food down, and looked at her.
She barely recognised the person sitting in front of her. Of course it looked like Rowan, but the person sitting in bed in front of her was only a shell of her sister.
It was like all personality, all of her will to live had been wiped away...
What had R done to her? She hadn't thought anybody would be able to break her big sister, especially after knowing that all of this had been ongoing for almost six years... the fact that her sister had always put on a brave face for her, it... did make Hazel feel guilty.
Was this all her fault?
She took her sisters hand. "I'm sorry Rowan, I really am.."
Rowan shook her head, saying that it wasn't her fault, but if she could please just be left alone now...
With a sigh, Hazel got up. Was there nothing she could do..?

It was in the middle of the night, but Rowan couldn't sleep. Her thoughts kept wandering to the time spent imprisoned by R... the thought alone made her body break out in cold sweat, her chest felt tight, she couldn't breath...
Suddenly, while she was trying to take deep breaths to calm herself, she heard Hazel call for her in a weak voice.
A little alarmed, Rowan sat up.
"Rowan, please-"
The door opened, and Hazel walked in, hunched over.
She was pale and sweaty, clutching her chest.
Without even thinking about it, Rowan jumped out of bed, running to her sister. "Haze, what is it? Is it your heart again?"
Hazel had tears in her eyes, saying that she didn't know. She wasn't sure, she was just scared..

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