Happy at last (end)

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" So...." Nonie said, handing Rowan a cup of hot chocolate. " Why are you hiding out at my place again? Don't you have a loving husband that's waiting for you to return home?"
Rowan sighed. That loving husband was exactly who she was hiding from.
A couple of months had passed since she had found out about her pregnancy, and well...
" He's very loving indeed... and a tad bit overprotective at the moment... I just needed a little room to breathe."
Her friend laughed. She could imagine that Barnaby might be a little smothering.
Rowan smiled. " It's cute though. Just a little much sometimes. Yesterday he wouldn't even let me walk Newt. I keep telling him that I'm perfectly capable of everything I did before, but he won't listen. "
Nonie squeezed her hands as if to assure her. " It'll pass. He's probably just trying to help. Maybe have a proper talk with him about it." she grinned. " Remember when I got hurt at work, and had to stay at home for a couple of weeks? I never knew Merula could be so doting before. But after a nice long talk, she let me live my life again."
Rowan smirked, imagining what "a nice long talk" was like with these too. There had probably been a lot of yelling, she supposed.
Nonie rolled her eyes. " Okay, there might have been a little yelling. It's not my fault she's a Dummkopf."
" Dumm- kopf-" Rowan tried to sound out the word.
With another laugh, Nonie apologised. " I visited my family earlier. I'm still in German-mode. It means stupid head. Merula understands most German insults... I tend to switch to German during arguments."
With a grin, Rowan said that she remembered. " I think I watched you go off on Ismelda once. I don't know what exactly you said to her, but it didn't sound nice."
" I don't remember, but I assume it wasn't." Nonie smirked.

It was early in the evening that Rowan returned home.
" What happened here?" she asked, as she entered the living room. It was in chaos.
The books that she had very neatly stacked up on the table in front of the sofa were all over the place, there was a pillow ripped open and it's stuffing was everywhere.
And in the middle of it all sat Newt, chasing his tail.
Barnaby, that was currently picking up everything that was knocked over, laughed, a little embarrassed. " Our game of catch got a little wild and Newt ripped up a pillow... don't worry, I'll clean it right up!"
Rowan laughed, thinking how cute he was. Then she began picking up her books, putting them back on the table.
" No no, I got it! Sit down-" Barnaby exclaimed.
She offered him a kind smile, and told him that she was just fine.
But he insisted and with a little sigh, Rowan sat down.
" I was thinking..." she said, while taking off her shoes and putting her feet up on the couch. " We could go out to dinner tonight. Do you want to?"
Barnaby that had quickly gone to fetch a broom, to sweep up what remained of the pillow Newt had destroyed, stuck his head back into the living room. " Or we could order Indian food from that restaurant you like. We could eat it while snuggling on the couch, that would be nice!"
" Or I could make Indian food after my grandparents recipe." Rowan suggested.
Barnaby seemed to consider for a moment as he really loved her cooking, especially the Samosas she made.
But then he declined, saying that takeout was just fine.
With another sigh, Rowan told him to please sit down next to him, they really needed to talk.
A little taken aback Barnaby abandoned his plans of looking for the broom and sat down beside her.

With a little smile, she grabbed his hands. " Listen. It's very sweet of you to want to help me out, but please, you are overdoing it a little. I'm fine, and I can still do most things I could before. Like cook, or take Newt for a walk... I appreciate your concern, but you are overdoing it a little, okay?"
Barnaby lent his head against her shoulder, apologising. " I can't do anything right..." he murmured, sounding very upset. " I'm sorry..."
Concerned, Rowan pet his back and told him that he shouldn't say that. It was very kind of him to want to help her, he just overdid it a little... " But you did nothing wrong..." she said.
He still remained sitting like that, mumbling that he wasn't smart enough to be a father.
Rowan wasn't quite sure what to do. She didn't know where this had come from, why he was suddenly saying that about himself...
" That isn't true!" she said, a little agitated. " You are not an idiot Barnaby, and I don't want to hear you say that ever again! You are so great, believe me. And you will be an amazing father."
But he pulled away from her, and said something that hit her right in the heart. " But I don't know what parents are supposed to act like... not like mine, I know that much... so I just tried to- I just wanted to help you!"
Rowan wrapped him up in a tight hug. " Oh Barnaby... Sweetheart..."
She hadn't thought of that. His parents hadn't been the most caring type, from what he had told her and it was understandable that he wondered if he...
Rowan had very loving and caring parents, and yet she still worried about her abilities as a mother, how must he feel? " Barnaby, I'm worried too... Not about you, about me. But, I know that I don't need to be scared- because I have you by my side. We'll figure it out together, and I know that you will be an amazing Dad. With how caring you are... I have no doubts about it."
And there it was, Barnaby's big smile. " Do you think so?" Briefly, his smile vanished again.
" What if I do something to screw her up..?"
Rowan assured him that he wouldn't, but then paused. " Her..? Do you think it's going to be a girl?"
Excited, Barnaby nodded and put a hand on her belly. " I think it will be a girl! It's a feeling... a little girl just like you Rowan, that would be so cute!"
She laughed. " We'll see." she said, putting her hand on his. " I think it might be a boy. Just like you, so excited about everything..." Then she kissed him, brushing over his cheek. " Whatever it turns out to be in the end, I know that you will love it so much and that is something kids need the most... you will do just fine."
He smiled again, and told her that she would be a great parent as well...

The secrets of Rowan Khanna (Y6 spoilers)Where stories live. Discover now