A wonderful day (Chapter 21)

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" You look gorgeous, Rowan." Nonie said, smiling at Rowan.
She looked in the mirror, taking a deep breath to calm herself.
Today was Rowan and Barnaby's wedding day, and she was a wreck.
While she was excited, so excited... she wondered if maybe they were making a mistake- Rakepick was still out here, what if she would come for her today?
" Take a deep breath, Rowan." Chiara said. " It will all be alright. You are going to be just fine, you are marrying the man of your dreams after all."
Penny laughed. " You are one to talk, Chiara. You were a nervous mess right before you got married."
Chiara laughed even more. " Just wait until you get married! It's nerve wrecking!"
Rowan smiled. Her friends were helping her get ready. Picking her old roommates to assist her was a great choice... she had been through so much with them...
And they were so excited for her, just like they had been for Chiara back then.
Even Tonks seemed happy... ish.
She was trying to keep herself together today, no matter how hard it was for her. But to be fair, she seemed genuinely excited.
" Should I do your hair?" she now asked.
Rowan gratefully accepted. She had planned to do it herself, but her hands were too shaky.
For a minute Tonks contemplated on what hairstyle to give her, but then very quickly got to work.

Rowan couldn't stop staring at herself in the mirror.
Nonie had been right, she did look beautiful...
Her dark blue wedding dress looked amazing on her. It was quite a simple design, but it had a long flowy skirt and a V neck with a bit of lace.. she had fallen in love with the dress right after she had tried it on. It had just seemed like... her.
Her Mum and sister that she had taken along, had agreed with her.
And now that her hair was also done... she looked great.
Her usually straight hair was curly now, Tonks had done a great job with it...
With a smile Penny asked if she should do her makeup.
Rowan just nodded, still in awe.
" Barnaby won't know what hit him." Tonks said, grinning.
Seeing her smile like that, it was nice. Her hair was still brown, but at least she seemed a bit happier today.

Soon it was almost time to go.
Rowan couldn't hold still, she kept pacing back and forth, worrying.
" What if I forget my vows? What if Barnaby forgets his vows?? What do we do if Rakepick shows up??? We should postpone. Let's call it off, it's a bad idea!"
Nonie laughed, and pulled her into a hug. " It will be fine! Don't worry so much. Both of you will remember your vows, an if Rakepick shows up- which she won't- you have multiple trained Aurors right in your wedding party. Don't worry, take a deep breath."
Rowan obliged, feeling a small bit better now. Just a little bit, she still felt as if she would throw up any minute.
" Oh Rowan, you look beautiful!" Ophelia had come in, to make sure her daughter was ready.
She gave her a hug. " Don't be nervous sweetheart, it will be great. Barnaby is already waiting for you, I'm sure..."

Hazel also poked her head in the room. " Rowie, you look stunning!" she said.
Rowan smiled, telling her that she did herself.
Hazel also gave her sister a hug. " I'm so happy for you, Rowie... and for Barnaby too!"
She was excited to see her older sister get married, and was so happy to get to be one of her bridesmaids. Her health had been pretty bad for a while, but now she was better.
After she had passed out, she had gotten a bunch of new medicine... oftentimes she complained that her classmates made fun of her for being a walking pharmacy. But it was better than having another surgery... she even got to keep playing Quidditch. After a break of course, to give her more time to rest, which annoyed her greatly. Her "rival" Maggie had been such a pain in the ass during those times, she said.
Not because she was rude or made fun of her, no. Because she seemed so concerned.
Rowan wasn't so sure they were actually rivals, they seemed more like friends to her.

Barnaby was just as nervous as Rowan was, straitening his tie for the fifties time. He was already waiting. They were getting married on the Khannas tree farm. It was beautiful in spring...
They had originally wanted to get married in summer, but seeing how beautiful everything looked, they had decided on late spring.
He was so excited- he really got to marry this smart and beautiful woman, he could barely believe it. It was like a dream.
His friends tried to calm him down.
Barnaby wanted to hug Barnaby Jr, but Jae snatched the Puffskein away from him. " Don't. You'll get fur all over your suit. It's black."
Barnaby nodded. He was right, he did not want to get fur on his suit... so instead, he just nervously fidgeted with his tie.

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