Letters (Chapter 3)

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Rowan was hanging out in the courtyard, with some of her friends.
She was really lost in thoughts, only half-ish listening to what her friends were saying.
Nonie wasn't there, she was currently trying to fix everything Rowan had fucked up.
Of course, she still wasn't aware that it had been Rowan, which was quite a relief.
Nevertheless, the entire things was quite upsetting for poor Rowan herself.
Penny asked her if something was wrong, but of course she just answered that she was tired.

In light of her absence, everybody was here to plan Nonie's birthday party.
Usually they didn't throw each other birthday parties, but this year there were plenty.
So many people were turning seventeen, and everybody was in agreement that reaching adulthood was worthy of a party, no matter what kind of stuff had been going on recently.
Even Penny, that had to deal with her little sister going completely off the rails, was up for some party planning.
Tonks and Liz had already celebrated their birthdays, and there were many more to come in the following months. Like Nonie's, and not long after that Rowan's.
"Maybe we could do some sort of cursebreaker theme?" Charlie suggested. " Bill would love something like that, maybe Nonie would too?"

Rowan shook her head, stating that she already did so much cursebreaking in her free time, that she probably wouldn't want it at her birthday party.
Chiara agreed, and in a low tone of voice stated, that she wouldn't have wanted her birthday to be about werewolves either.
She was one of the youngest, so her friends didn't need to worry about her birthday just yet.
"She would like something about books." Tulip suggested. "And writing."
Penny shook her head. "Yeah, but how do you want to make writing and books into a theme?"
Tonks suggested that maybe they could have some sort of writing competition at the party, and that it would be funny as most of them really weren't good at storytelling.
Everybody was on board with that idea, they seemed quite excited about it actually.

And suddenly, someone in the far back of the courtyard cleared their throat.
It was Merula, that had apparently been listening in on their plans.
She suggested Stars and other astronomical things as themes, because Nonie loved them.
The others were happy with that idea, but had to promise Merula that they wouldn't tell Nonie that it had been her suggestion.
"Star doesn't need to know that I still give a fuck about her... Er... I mean, I don't give a fuck about her! You guys should have been able to come up with that theme yourselves, it was so easy!" Merula tried to save herself, but it was too late. Everybody had started laughing already.
With an annoyed "Whatever" she stomped away.

A little later, Nonie walked into the courtyard, with Barnaby.
She asked what everybody was up to, and everybody just quickly stating that they weren't doing anything.
Nonie knew that they were planning her birthday party, it was just too obvious.
Yet, with a slight smile she pretended not to know and sat down next to Rowan, with Barnaby sitting close to her, almost as if he was glued to her side.

Rowan sighed, seeing Barnaby swoon over Nonie like that.
He was telling her all about Barnaby Jr., and he smiled that smile again...
She wondered why he couldn't just have fallen for her instead.
It would have been a lot easier for everyone involved...
But she guessed she was just way too bookish to have someone like him fall for her.
Maybe someone like... Ben could like her.
Well, previously. Now that he had changed so much, into that aggressive, violent person...
Everything was different in their sixth year of school, everybody was different.
Even Tonks and Tulip, that still tried to "cheer everyone up" with their pranks, had toned it down quite a lot.

Rowan dug her fingernails deep into her skin.
She shouldn't even think of relationships, of anything of the sort.
The closer she got to people, the more likely was it for R or Rakepick to use those relationships against her.
It would put them in danger...
"Are you alright?" Nonie whispered, looking at Rowans fingers.
Rowan nodded, again claiming to be tired.
But Nonie knew that wasn't the case. She knew that something was up with her best friend. But she misjudged what it was. and got up. "Maybe you should rest a little bit. Right Barnaby?"
And Barnaby, kind as he was, smiled at Rowan. " You can rest on me if you like!" he said, offering his shoulder.
And with a coy yet happy smile, Rowan took him up on the offer.
She lent her head against his shoulder, and closed her eyes.
It felt weird, but somehow... nice.
" Do you want to hear about Barnaby Jr.?" Barnaby asked.
She laughed, telling him that yes, she would love to.
Nonie had to smile watching Barnaby talk eagerly, while Rowan seemed to noticeably relax.

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