Rescue mission (Chapter 10)

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"Does everybody know the plan?" Nonie whispered.
Everybody was hiding behind the trees close to R's hideout. They didn't want to go straight in, they had to revise the plan first...
Barnaby, Chiara and Jae were going to provide the distraction.
Jae had brought plenty of illegal joke articles, once that could cause a little more damage then the usual ones. They looked like firecrackers, but exploded with an even bigger bang, one loud enough to make R think they were right there, sieging their hideout, when they were actually hiding in between the trees.
They were hoping to just send R on a wild goose-chase through the woods, to find the intruder while the other group snuck in.
Barnaby wanted to come with the others, that would be infiltrating the hideout, but Nonie thought it was a bad idea. Their fear was that if they found Rowan, he would do something rash, something he hadn't completely thought out, that would put everyone in danger...
So Merula, Tonks, Jacob and Nonie decided to go in by themselves.

Another major part of their plan was that Tonks would disguise herself as a member of R, so she could sneak in undetected... as for the others, they would use Nonie's invisibility cloak to sneak in.
They could just hope it would go well...

Everybody was nervous, figity.
They were waiting for a member to come out, whose place Tonks could take.
She was especially nervous, because she had the most dangerous part of all. But she told herself that she could do this, she needed to, for Rowan.
And if she could do this, she could do anything else ever asked from her when she became an Auror, she thought.
"Don't worry. You've shown that you can defend yourself." Jacob said.
Even though the situation was tense, Tonks had to grin. "Yeah... sorry about that. I thought you were a member of R or something like that... and my Mum's self-defense training wasn't lost on me, apparently."

It took a while for one of the members to come outside. Jacob immediately knocked her out with a spell. Nonie looked at him, a bit freaked out. She didn't like to use violence, but realised that she had no choice this time... And these were bad people, she reminded herself.
Rowan...she couldn't fret, for Rowan...
Tonks took the members cloak and shoes, so that she could transform into them. She closed her eyes really tightly, concentrating.
"Is this really going to work..?" Jacob whispered.
Jae nodded, telling him to wait for it.
As if on cue, Tonks finished transforming. She had made himself look like an identical copy of the woman, and was now putting on her clothes.
"I'm ready." she said, taking a deep breath to calm herself.
Jacob made sure everybody else was ready too, and then they started to carry out their plan.

Barnaby was scared. He was scared they would be caught, scared that Rowan wouldn't be fine... but she had to be fine, he told himself over and over. She was strong, after all.
And smart. She had probably outsmarted R and was completely fine.

His train of thought was interrupted by Jae, that was handing him a couple of fire-crackers.
They were really doing this.
Barnaby was more of a lover then a fighter as well, but couldn't care about that right now. Rowan... this all was for Rowan, the girl he cared for so much. He hadn't stood up to Tonks when she had called her out for being a traitor, at least he hadn't been firm enough about it, he thought. He had to make this right.
And maybe... maybe he could take her out to dinner after.
He shook his head, trying to get rid of these thoughts. This was not the time...
Everybody got into position...

Cold sweat was running down Nonie's back.
Hidden under her invisibility cloak, Jacob, Merula and her followed Tonks right into the hideout.
Tonks was completely immersed in her role. She was a better actor then people gave her credit for, she was seemingly perfectly copying the woman's confident stride, even though she only had a couple of seconds to observe it.
Nobody was blinking an eye. Not all members of R had left the hideout, only a few. They had learnt their lesson after yesterday, or at least they thought they did.
Rowan was somewhere in the basement, at least she had been yesterday, Jacob had said, so they were making their way downstairs.

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