How is that possible? (Chapter 9)

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Rowan hadn't managed to do it yet. She couldn't deceive anyone from R to tie her restraints looser, even though she had tried everything. Yet, she had not given up.
There needed to be someway out of this, she needed to go back to her family-
Even more days seemed to have passed now, Rowan had lost count.
Everybody truly had to believe that she was gone..
She couldn't let things stay that way. She had to get back home. Of course, Hogwarts wasn't a place she could return to...
Sometimes Rowan did wonder if her former friends even cared.. maybe they were happy that she was gone, because she wasn't a threat anymore. No, she just couldn't imagine it.
They must at least be a little upset, right..?

Suddenly, the quiet of Rowan's prison was interrupted by a loud knock. She flinched, very on edge. Was someone from R here again?? But... why would they knock..?
Confused, she looked around.
Nobody was there. Rowan tried to turn around, but she was strapped in so tightly...
Struggling, she managed to turn her chair around.
And that was when she saw a face peaking through the small window. Startled, she had to keep herself from screaming.
Rowan couldn't tell who it was, her vision was blurry. Without her glasses, she was virtually blind.
"Heilige Scheiße." the person said. It was a man, by the sounds of it. Rowan couldn't understand what he said, but she felt like she heard what he said before...

Squinting, she tried to make out the features. The man seemingly had blond hair and pale skin, but that was all what she could make out.
The man repeated what he had said, with a dumbfounded tone of voice. "Rowan Khanna, is that you?" he then asked.
His voice was dampened by the glass, and the fact that he was whispering made him harder to understand, but that accent... the accent, she had heard it before...
And suddenly, it hit her. German. He had a German accent, just like Nonie... and the blond hair, was this... was this Jacob? Rowan had heard of him, but she had never seen him...

"Jacob..?" she asked, cautious. This could be a trap, she thought.
"Holy shit, you are Rowan... how are you? Aren't you..? Holy shit." he said, and Rowan could see him shake his head. "You're alive... We need to get you out of here. Now."
Rowan agreed, but said that she didn't know how... she was tied up, and she was pretty sure R was congregating upstairs most of the time.
Before she could say anything else, Jacob cast a silencing spell, and shattered the glass.
Then he told Rowan to come closer to the window. He could cast the severing charm, but was too afraid that he would accidentally hurt her. So he planned on giving her his pocket knife, to cut the restraints...

Rowan carefully slid closer to the window.
Was this really it? Would she get out of here now? Would she be... free?
She almost couldn't believe it...
Jacob dropped the closed pocket knife through the window. It landed in Rowan's lap.
She struggled to reach it, it was too far away... but luckily, she managed to nudge it closer to the armrest her arms were tied to, and barley managed to reach it with her left hand.
She flicked open the knife, and started to cut through the thick rope binding her hands.
As soon as she got her left hand free, she cut through the rest of her restraints. She got up, only to have her legs give out from under her. Rowan had sat for so long, her legs were numb...
"Are you okay?" Jacob whispered.
Rowan nodded, and said that she just needed a second. She climbed to her feet, and tried to steady herself by holding onto the wall.

Still wobbly, she walked over to the window.
Jacob still looked... shocked? Rowan couldn't make out his facial expression...
He made sure she was okay, the best he could assess through the little window. After a thorough check, he couldn't see anything worse then a few gnarly bruises.
So now time came to make a plan on how to get her out of here... The window was way too small to climb out of, Rowan could barely fit her head through.
So she needed to sneak through the headquarters, which was... not ideal.

"Okay. Okay." Jacob said. "I will... I will distract them. You just focus on getting out. It will be fine. It will all be fine."
Rowan would love to believe that, but... she couldn't. Sneaking through the house, it was a death sentence. From the little she had seen, she knew that R had guards everywhere, especially in front of her cell.
Calming, Jacob put a hand on her shoulder, telling her that it would be fine. He would get her out of there.
That made Rowan feel a little bit better... after all that Nonie had told her about Jacob, it seemed like he knew what he was doing.
So she agreed, and they got started on their plan.

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