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Name: Quinn Psycho 

Birthday: 12/ 15

Hair color: Light blue

Eye color: light green

Age: 17 (Current 16)


Mom- Alive

Dad- Deceased (I wonder why...)

Gender: Female

Quirk: Smile Gas- The user can release gas from either their mouth or hands. The gas can force people to laugh and smile while their insides slowly and painfully burn inside. This gas is very toxic to whoever is near it or inhales it. The gas usually takes ten minutes to run its course through the body. If the user wants to actually wants to decay the body, they will have to make a cloud of the toxic gas. That usually takes twenty minutes. The gas is entirely made from the oxygen that they breathe in. This can be dangerous if the user uses too much of their quirk. 

Drawbacks: The user will be unable to control their quirk and will have to be quarantined for the time being. They will be stunned for about thirty minutes and hold whatever position they are in. 

Background: Quinn never actually met her father when she was born. Her mother refuses to say anything about him. She shrugs it off and looks up to her mother. She wasn't normal like all the other kids that she met. Some called her crazy and maniac. She tries to shake it off but...deep inside she wanted to be a little normal so she can have an actual friend. When (Y/n)/Lyrum showed up, she felt happy that they wanted to be her friend. She actually had a friend, and she got many more for just meeting one kid. She will always be loyal to Lyrum and will give her life for him. 

Personality: Quinn can be a wild card. She has bipolar disorder, and it will often be random on what her emotions would be. She usually a chaotic and hyper person that Lyrum can tolerate. She's very energetic, but when she's serious she is quiet and not very talkative. 

Casual attire: A sweater of basically any color, black skirt, black leggings underneath, and black or pink combat boots. (She has no sense of fashion, and as I said before...she's a wild card.) 

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