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-Dabi POV- 

I watched as (y/n) was getting along with the league. She seemed to get along with them and i couldn't blame her. She only saw me and other kids at the daycare, she needed to see new people and It was nice to see her happy. Tomura had got along with her and was very over protective of her. "Daddy look!" I looked at the little drawing she held and it showed her and all of the league. "That's very good sweetie." I patted her head and she ran to Tomura to show him it. It was almost time for us to make our move on those hero brats. Kurogiri agreed to take care of (Y/n) and Tomura was going to stay behind to watch her as well. 

I walked over where Tomura was and sat next to him. "She's really something." he said smiling a bit. "Yeah...she can be that." I smiled at him. I felt him put his head on my shoulder and pulled him closer to me. "I hope everything will be okay." he mumbled. "It will...she will always be with us." I replied.

-Twice POV-

"Twicy!" I looked down and saw (Y/n) hugging my leg. "Hey squirt!" (y/n) was the only one who could help me not split. "Play with me!" she grabbed my hand and took me into her new room. She took out her blocks and I helped her build a castle. I began to play as the dragon that capture her - the princess- "Hey what's happening in here?" Dabi asked coming inside the room. "Twicy is the dragon! Save me daddy!" (Y/n) laughed as I tickled her. "Fear not my little flame. Daddy is here to protect you. He playfully kicked me off and took her into his arms. "I have defeated the dragon. You are safe now." he smiled at her. "Thank you daddy!" "Ahh! How dare you! I'll get my revenge!" I played dead and (Y/n) jumped down and shook me. "Bah!" I jumped and she laughed not getting scared. "Alright time to go eat little one." Dabi picked her up and we walked down to the bar. I loved spending time with (Y/n) and I just wish she can always be with the league and never grow.

The day of the camp attack

-Dabi POV-

"Daddy will be back okay (Y/n).Be good for papa and Kuro." she nodded and hugged me. I smiled and kissed her head. "Bye Bye little (Y/n)! I'll get some blood for you!" I glared at Toga but (Y/n) only laughed at her craziness. "Bye squirt! Be good!" Twice said. She waved the rest bye and I left into Kurogiri's portal. 

- Tomura POV -

I smiled at (Y/n) as she played with one of my family members hands. She tugged my pants and I picked her up without hurting her. She frowned at me and I gave her a questioning look. "off." was all she said before trying to take off father. I sighed but smiled at her, I took off father and she put her soft hands on my face. I pulled back a bit but her next words struck me. "Papa's pretty." she smiled and kissed my cheek. I kissed her cheek back, all my life I've been insecure about how I looked but now...now (Y/n) is in my life and that's all that mattered. She soon fell asleep in my arms and I put her to bed. "Good night (Y/n)." I left and closed the door behind me.

- Next Night- Bakugo POV -

I looked down and saw a little kid looking at me. "(Y/n) come over here." The guy with purple scars said. She walked over to him and smiled as he patted her head. "I think it's time for bed." He said. I saw her eyelids getting heavy on her. "Mmm...Night night." she mumbled before sleeping in his arms. I saw a small smile placed on his face before it quickly went away. 'Why do they have a kid? Did they kidnap her? She did seem happy when she was around them...' "Don't think about hurting her." the guy with grey and black suit said to me. 

- (Y/n) POV- 

I was dreaming about me and my family playing together until I heard a loud boom. I jumped and got scared. I grabbed my panda that Aunti Toga gave me.

I quickly opened the door as I heard another boom

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I quickly opened the door as I heard another boom. I began to cry and look into Papa's room to find him. He wasn't there so I went downstairs. "D-Daddy! P-Papa!" I cried. I then saw many people I didn't know and my family being hugged by a tree. "(Y/N)!! Kurogiri get us out of here!" Papa shouted. Kuro was about to do something until he fell. I backed up scared but ran to Papa. "Little one come here! You'll be safe with me!" the hero said. "No!" Papa and Daddy always told me that heroes were bad and to never trust them. I grabbed Papa's leg but I began to feel something in my throat. Papa also began to have it. I then saw darkness. 

- Tomura POV -

I opened my eyes and saw that we were where All for one is at. "P-Papa..." I looked over to (Y/n) and quickly held her and not with all five fingers.  I've got you." I looked over to Dabi who was passed out still. "Go to daddy and protect him." she nodded and ran over to Dabi's body. I got up and looked over to the rest. Toga was busy trying to cut Bakugo and the others were getting up. Me and the others surrounded the kid until ice came in front of us. I went out to reach him but he blasted an explosion. "Why do you keep showing up everywhere?!" I said looking up at the UA brats. I looked over where (Y/n) was and she was crying. She cried when Mustard, Moonfish, and Muscular didn't come back from the mission.


"Where's Uncle Mustard, Moonfish, and Muscular daddy?" She looked around behind him. "They couldn't come back with us. Remember about the heroes I told you about?" she nodded sadly and hugged him. She was close to everyone....we were her only family. And we can't afford to lose her either. She's our pride and joy...

- End of Flashback -

'I promise (Y/n) that no one else would be taken from you.' I thought and looked over to All for One. 

-(y/n) POV-

I held daddy's hand and cried hoping he can wake up. He always woke up when I cried. I looked up an saw Uncle Sako come up to us. "Don't worry (Y/n) he'll be safe with me. Come on before the heroes take you away." I grabbed his arm and saw Aunti Toga fighting. I then saw a huge ice come out of nowhere and the angry boy used his quirk. I got nervous when Papa was around there. "Toga take care of (Y/n)!" Uncle Sako said. I held onto Toga and watched what was happening. Everything happened so fast and I didn't like how the heroes hurt my family. "There's three on the left. One is a child. I'll end this." the short old man said. "Tomura, I don't want this to end!" Aunti Toga held onto me tighter. I closed my eyes hoping a way of out of this. The man that was on our side did something to Aunti Mange and Papa went towards the old hero. "PAPA!" I yelled. I then saw Aunti Mange quirk on him and the rest of my family. Twicy, Mange, and Spinner came at us fast. Aunti Toga put me down before she got hit by all three of them. I looked at Papa who was trying to stay. "Papa!" He turn towards me and held onto his arm. "I'm...not..." Papa's hand fell down and I watch everything go dark.

- All for Ones POV-

'Tomura...You must keep fighting. And raise your daughter...give her a life that you could've had. Train her well and maybe one day I could meet her.' I thought as I watched them leave. I warp the old hero and All Might punched his face. "I only came to save Tomura and his daughter, but if you want to fight I will too." I said before the real fight began. 'Protect (Y/n) and the family you have Tomura. It's nice to see that you've grown.' 

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