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- No ones POV-
After the whole thing of Bakugo getting rescued you comfort Shigaraki. He was a bit depressed when he heard about All for Ones arrest but he was glade he had his little flame and Dabi with him.
Dabi wouldn't let you go to your daycare for a while since the whole thing and the heroes knew what you looked like. He was honestly scared for you during the whole thing and was so glad you were safe with him.
Kurogiri has been teaching you about normal things a two year old should know. I kinda changed the age...hope you don't mind. You honestly didn't mind and you were happy that no one else was taken away from you....but what if someone took you away from them?
- Dabi POV-
I carried (Y/n) to her daycare since it has been awhile since that day. I just hope nobody notice her on the hero side. "Be good. Twice will pick you up today after school." I kissed her head and hugged her. "Okay daddy." She then left inside and I turned around to go back to our new hideout. (Y/n) had to stay with Twice when night came around. The new hideout was no place for her and didn't have a lot of area to sleep or play. 'Please let nothing happen to you my little flame.' I thought.
- (Y/n) POV-
I looked around seeing if I could find Twicy. I still had no sight of him. I then felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a man with long black hair and tired eyes. "Are you (Y/n)?" He asked. I nodded but kept my distance away from him. "Come with me." I shook my head no. "Are you daddy's or Papa's friend?" I asked. He shook his head and stuck out his hand. I hesitated but took it and he took me somewhere I didn't know. 'I don't like this....I should've waited for Twicy.' I thought and my eyes widen when I saw heroes. 'I'm not supposed to be here!'
- Twice POV-
I arrived at (Y/n)'s daycare but I didn't see her. I walked up to the teacher and asked for (Y/n). "(Y/n)? She went home already." My eyes widen and the thought of her being kidnapped came up in my head. I ran to the leagues hideout and slammed the door open. "Is (Y/n) here?!" I asked while catching my breath. "No. Twice what happened?!" Dabi asked but he sounded afraid. "I-I don't know?! The teacher said that she went home already and I thought one of you took her out already!" I explained getting worried for (Y/n)'s well being. "We have to look for her!" Toga said already walking to the door with Dabi behind her. "If we don't find her...the it's worse to assume..." Kurogiri trailed off. "She'll be with the heroes." Shigaraki finished and I could tell he was on the verge of tears. 'Don't worry (Y/n) we're going to get you back.'

-(Y/n) POV-
"NOOO!NO!NO! NO!I WANT MY DADDY! I WANT MY PAPA!" I shouted and cried. I didn't want to be with heroes! I wanted my family! The heroes were trying to calm me down but I kept crying. On with long blonde hair tried to grab me but I bite his hand. "Ow!" He yelled. I laughed at his pain a bit before crying again. "What a troublesome child. She acts like her father." I began to scratch my neck and I glared at the woman who talked bad about Papa. As they were distracted I opened the door and ran out. 'I need to find Daddy! I need to find my family!' I ran around while also getting stared at. I then ran into someone and fell back. "Oof." I looked up and saw a boy with red and white hair. I looked at his eyes and saw he had the same blue eyes like daddy. I grabbed his leg as I heard the heroes coming. "Oh Todoroki, I see you stopped her from running." The man with long black hair said. "Come here (Y/n)." "NO! Go away hero! I want my family! I want Daddy and Papa!" I shouted and held tighter to the boy. "You can't go back to them." He said calmly trying to keep my voice down. "I want my family! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" I repeated at him.
- Aizawa POV-
I was surprised by her words. They really drilled it in that she should stay away from heroes. For a two year old she already wants to kill and see people in pain. She laughed at Mic's pain when she bite him. I then watched her scratch her neck like Shigaraki and her eyes began to change red. I tried going near her but she back up more behind Todoroki. I stood up and looked at Todoroki. "Can you make sure she doesn't leave your sight?" I asked getting tired of her screaming. "Yes Aizawa." He replied and took her away to calm her down. I looked at her direction to see that he let him carry her. 'I couldn't save a two year old to change her ways. In her eyes I could see she was already going to turn into a villain and there was no going back.' I thought.
- Shoto POV-
I watched the little girl sleeping in my arms and she was quietly sobbing in her sleep. "...daddy....papa...come back..." she mumbled. I sighed and took her to the dorms. How could she still love her family if they kill people? "Hey Todoroki!" I turned over to face Midoriya. He stopped and looked at the child. "W-Who's she?" This got everyone to look at us. "Hey isn't that the girl Bakugo told us about?" Kirishima said looking at her. "Did they rescue her? Is she staying with us?" Ashido asked looking hopeful. The girl bagan to wake up because of how loud they were. "Look what you did! Now the child is awake because of how loud you all are!" "You're being loud too Iida." Sero said. The girl rubbed her eyes and looked at us. She began to cry again seeing she wasn't with her family. "I-I want d-daddy!" She cried. "Aww don't cry. Do you want to play?" Uraraka asked trying to grabbed her. "No!" She yelled and kicked Uraraka's hands away. She looked at me with teary eyes. "You have the same eye as daddy." She said softly and looked where I had my scar. I nodded and took her away from the others seeing she didn't like them. I decided to take her a bath. "Do you mind if I give you a bath?" I asked her. She nodded and held onto me.
After she calmed down I took her to my room and placed her down on my bed. I gave her some paper and colors that I stored away. "You can draw if you like." I said. She nodded and began to draw while I did my homework. Once I was done I got up and checked on her. She was fast asleep and many papers of drawings were around her. I gather all the papers and looked at them. Her family was the league of villains which surprised me. She drew them and their names, it was hard to read but overall she had good hand writing for a two year old. My eyes widen as the drawing of the male with black spiky hair. 'Well isn't that a shame? Poor Shoto...Todoroki...' his words rung in my head. Below the drawing was the word 'daddy'. I put the papers to the side and took away the crayons.
- No one's POV-
Dabi was a mess along with the rest of the league but he....he felt awful and blamed himself for being so stupid. He killed anyone that happened to run into him in the alley. He was in a bad mood but that was all sadness and anger he had towards himself. He didn't blame Twice...he didn't blame anyone that was in the league. He failed to protect his little flame but he was determined to get her back. He wanted his child back. Tomura was in the same situation and he often cuddled with Dabi and her panda toy she always kept alongside with her. He wanted her back...his little sunshine that he dearly loves so much. She was the third thing that made him the most happiest villain in the world. Like Dabi he was determined to get her back in anyway possible.
Twice was switching personalities and often went crazy. He wanted the pain to stop and without (Y/n) to calm him down with her little baby hands on his face repeating 'No split.' To him. He blamed himself for not being there earlier. The only reason he was late was because he wanted to buy her a gift. Her birthday was coming up...who knows if she'll ever get his present...

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