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⚠️ More Manga spoilers!⚠️

After we got informed by Papa on our new enemy we hurried back. We looked down at the city. I then heard something behind us. I got my quirk ready and it alerted my family. A weird looking hero stopped in front of us and told us to follow him. "I don't like this one bit." I said as I looked around the empty city. Just then many people came out with their quirks ready to use. "You've got to be kidding me!" I yelled as I dodged an attack. I touched the ground and controlled how much I wanted to destroy. They died in an instant and I stuck by dad and compress, along with Twice. "Kira, or should I saw (Y/n) Shigaraki." I turned my head and glared at the hooded fellow. "What a pleasure to meet you! My name is Hide." He said while looking at me. I sent my flames at him but he disappeared. I then felt someone kick me from behind. I quickly turned around and moved out the way. "Your name is no joke." I huffed. "Smart girl aren't you?" he said. I killed some of the ones that were weak but he just kept hiding. I glared at him. "Try as much as you like but you can't hit me. It would be a shame if I was able to beat you." I sent flames around us so no on could interrupt us. "Did your parents ever tell you that you were born by a quirk? That it was just a simple mistake." I glared at him. "I don't care! They still took care of me no matter what!" I yelled. "True but I know what will kill you." I backed up and looked at him. "Them dying in our hands. Your spirit will be broken and you'll be our little puppet. Your quirk is one of a kind, something that we need." He said. I began to grow more angrier than before. "No one hurts my family! Not you! Or any of your stupid liberation army pals!" I yelled and the ground began to shake. "They only that will die is you!" He disappeared and I quickly turned around to grab his throat. I slammed him down and I felt my skin peeling off. "You can't handle the pain can you?" He choked out. "Shut up." I said and put my fingers down on his neck. He cried out in pain as he was lit on fire. I huffed out and fell back. My body was hurting so much and I coughed out blood. "F**k..." I cursed out. "(Y/n) you okay!" "Hey don't go into the light!" "You went to far kid!" I opened my eyes just a bit. "T-Twicy?" "Yup!" "You betcha!" "Let's get you away from here!" He yelled. I hummed and I tried to stay up. "I...I won't let my family die..." I said before it went dark.


*Wack!* "Didn't I tell you not to go overboard?" Dad yelled. I rubbed the back of my head. "I had no choice. The guy made me angry. Sorry..." I said. He sighed and looked sad. I was just a mix of my parents looks now. I only got burns on my face and my wrist. They stapling was a pain in the a**. I looked down and something deep inside still bugged me. "Dad...do you think I was a mistake?" I asked. He looked down and gave me sad yet stern eyes. "Of course not. You are the most amazing thing that has happened to me...to all of us (Y/n). I told since the day you arrived at my home; Daddy loves you and I'll always protect you my little flame." He hugged me and I hugged back. I couldn't cry since my tear ducts were ruined. "Group hug!" Aunti Toga yelled and I laughed as we all fell down. "It's time!" Sceptic said. Oh did I mention that we won? Yeah Papa was amazing out there and they gave in. Also...I texted my friends that I'll be gone for a little longer but to keep an eye on Hawks. I don't trust that bird brain. After Re- destroy gave his speech we walked out to see many people. I was excited and I decided to show off a bit.

2:26 is your trick.

I smiled as Toga cheered. "Show off." Uncle Sako said. I giggled and bowed. "The Paranormal Liberation Front!" Papa yelled. I laughed a bit. Nice name Papa. I looked at the crowd but someone caught my eyes. Hawks. I glared at him and I can see something in his eyes. Scared are we Hawks? Fear of something? I'll have to inform the others to keep an eye on him more. I thought. At the end of the speeches and all that we walked out. I was lost in thought until Papa fell. "Papa!" I helped him up and his was speaking to the doctor. I sighed heavily and looked around for dad. He's with Hawks I bet. I don't trust that hero around my family. I then went to find a private place to make a call.


"I'm baaack." I looked up as Hawks flew down. "Hey kid!" He said as he spotted me, he was about to pat my head until I smacked it away. "Try to do that again I won't hesitate to burn you painfully and slowly. That's a promise." I threatened. He backed up a bit and nodded. "You're full of something kid." He laughed nervously. He left and went to talk to Slide and go. "Did you get it?" I asked at my ear piece. "Yup! Don't worry (Y/n) this is gonna be easy." Kyoko said. I smiled. "Thanks Kyoko. Tell me everything tomorrow and if something interesting comes up give the signal." "Sure thing! Over and out!" I walked through the halls to go to sleep.


- Kuraim-
"Interesting. Hey Quinn give the signal!" "On it!" She shouted.
- to you-
I was in the room where we can keep a eye on Hawks. My phone buzzed and I excused myself. I went to the corner of the room and smiled evilly. "Dad I'm going out! The Outlaws need me!" I said walking out. "Alright just don't get caught." He said. "Please, as if!" I laughed. I walked out and looked at my phone. Kenji took pics of where Hawks was and I noticed his looks looked different. Are you telling something to the number one Hawks? Well if you plan to ruin our plans I'm gonna have to kill you. I walked out and got on the motorcycle that I was allowed to have.
I sneaked into Endeavor's angecy. How? Well that's a secret. No one was in his office and I jumped down from the vent. On his desk was the liberation army book. I flipped through it and reminded the recoding Kenji was able to get. "I get it now. You want show my family that they are still weak. That they haven't learned a single bit. Well Hawks you're in a trap now. A bird cage I would say." I laughed and went back to my family. "What are you going to do?" Kuraim asked on the ear piece. "Let's keep an eye on him more. Even if that means I have to get closer to him." I said. "You're not-" "Ew! No that's disgusting! Both my fathers will kill him in an instant!" I yelled feeling disgusted. He laughed and apologized for it. "Anyway he's back where your family is. Good luck (Y/n) and we'll keep growing our group. I think we have a new recruit said by Yorei. Though you won't like her where she came from." "Where?" "She was in that Yakuza group, Overhaul's adopted daughter." I growled at the sound of his name. "When I come back we'll talk about it." I said. "Alright! Over and out!"
I arrived at the place and sighed heavily. "Hey Kira how was your meeting?!" I looked over to see re-destro. I never really liked him. "It was fine." I said walking away from him. "You're father told me a lot how you made a group at the age of five! It's amazing!" I nodded and saw Hawks. "Excuse me for a moment." I walked away and put my hand on Hawks shoulder.
- Hawks POV-
I felt someone grab my shoulder. I stopped and saw it was Kira. "Hey Hawks. Sorry for my attitude yesterday I was just in a grumpy mood." She said. I laughed it off and told her it was no problem. She's scarier than her dads combined. "Also I just hate heroes after what happened when I was little." She said. "Oh yeah, there was a warning to stay away from you. You caused quite a ruckus at UA right?" She nodded and frowned at the thought. "We'll it seems that you're getting some of my families trust...though not mine." Her words sent a chill down my spine. Her arura is so dark. Is it getting cold in here?! "Well I hope that I can change that." I said rather quickly. She smiled a bit and let go of my shoulder. "Maybe...maybe not. Well I have business to do. See ya later bird brain." She said walking off. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. What a scary kid...but she's must be hiding something. And I really don't want to find out. I thought as I walked away.

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