chapter 3

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I had woken up and gone to school as usual, Chloe let me know some other girls, we were talking before the first class, then i realized that i don't have my headphones.

"where is my headphones?? i had missed it!" i said in high note.

"are you sure you had taken it from your house?" one of the girls said, she is called Ashley

"yeah yeah i was listening to music in the bus"

"so, you've missed it in the bus then" Chloe said.

"so i'll go to the bus"

"should I go with you?" chloe said

"no,no stay here i know the way" i said.

I went to the bus, kept searching for it but I didn't find anything.

"where is it?? i'm sure that i missed it here!"

i kept searching behind the chairs,under them,everywhere but i found nothing!

"Are you looking for this headphones?" someone behind me said.

I looked behind me found a boy holding it in his hands.

"yeah, thankyou" I put my hand infront of me waiting for him to give it to me.

but he didn't.

"i want it" i said.

"not before you tell me what's your name" he smirked.

"why do you wanna know?? just give it to me and let me go!"

"nope" he said 

"stop being radicolous"

"then there's no headphones"

he makes me so angry!!

"Laura" i said angrily.

"nice name" he smiled. i kept silent.

"so give it to me!" 

"talk to me in a better way"

"ohhh. stop it! give it to me!!"

"no not before you apologize"

"hahah in your dreams"

"ok" he turned away and began to leave with my headphones!

"no no return please.." i didn't know his name. i looked at the ground.

"Noah my name's Noah" he said turning his face into me.

"i'm sorry for being rude with you" i said while looking at the ground.

"you didn't have to apologize, i would give it to you anyway" he said smiling.

this made me feel good towards him and know how rude am i.

he gave the headphones to me.

"bye"he said 

"Noah wait may we talk for a minute?" i don't know how this came out of mind.

he looked at me in a surprising look. then he sat on a chair which was beside the place i was standing in.

"you're new here" he said. 

this is the first person who didn't ask me this shitty question "are you new here?"

"yeah i came here because i'm living with my grandparents." i said.

we remained silent for a while and said,

"i don't understand you,a minute you're so angry and shouthing and another minute you're cute!"

he said that i'm cute now! i blushed.

"i'm so difficult when i'm talking to strangers" i smiled and looked at the ground.

"how old are you?" he said.

"16 u?"


"so we'll be late for our class" i said.

"yeah you're right let's go" he said.

"ok" i said.

i was so nervous that while i was descending the stairs,i was about to fall on the ground but he held me in his arms.

it was a silent moment we didn't say anything but i liked it!

"are you ok?" he said in soft voice.

"yeah thankyou" i said while looking at his beautiful blue eyes.

so he took his arms from around my waist and we went outside of the bus.

"bye" i said

"bye" he said.

look let me just say that he's hot. he's blue eyes,light brown hair and he's well-built.

i liked that he sat with me eventhough i was rude.i was so happy i don't know why. this was the first time for me to feel this happiness for so long time.

so i returned to chloe 

"where were you?"she said in a worried expression.


"for so long time like this??!" 

"yeah" i said. i didn't want her to know to not make a story out of nothing.

"did you find it at the end?"

"yeah here are them my lovely headphones" 

i liked my headphones so much!! it made me feel a new feeling i never felt before.

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