2nd date -------->chp41

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For the date, he may not have been completely decked out, but Adrien thought he looked good in his button down, one he rolled up to his elbows, and his slightly ruffled hair.

His heart gradually increased its pace as he drove over to Marinette’s to pick her up. He was excited. So excited. He got to take her on a date and they were going to go see a movie and it was going to be great.

Because it was with Marinette.

When he got to the door, he ran his hands through his hair and adjusted his shirt one last time before knocking. But it wasn’t Marinette who answered the door.

“Come in, son,” Tom said. “The girls will be down in a moment.”

Adrien nodded, stepping inside. “Sorry, I must have showed up a little early.”

“No, you’re on time,” Tom assured. “Marinette just lost track of time.”

Adrien chuckled. “I can see that. I accounted for it by saying I would pick her up early.”

Tom grinned. “Have a seat, Adrien. We can talk until she come down.”

Adrien took a seat on the couch, Tom sitting across from him on the chair. “Just so you know,” Tom began, “Just because she’s twenty-six doesn’t mean she’s not still my little girl.”

Adrien grinned. “Oh, is this the father/daughter’s-date talk?”

Tom smirked. “You’ll understand one day.”

“I have no doubt. How long do I have until I become the ‘don’t even look at my daughter’ dad?”

“With Emma, my guess is only about nine years.”

“Crap,” Adrien grumbled. “Teach me your ways?”

Tom outright laughed.

After a short talk that made Adrien want to take up karate again, Sabine finally appeared. “She’ll be down in a moment,” she said. “She’s reapplying her make-up.”

“She okay?” Tom asked, which immediately got Adrien to worry.

“Is something wrong?”

With a smile, Sabine shook her head. “Marinette just need a little more time to accept the fact it’s okay to date you,” she explained. “Each step is hard.”

“I know the feeling,” Adrien said. “It sounds like she loved him very much. Losing my mom was hard enough; I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for her to lose him.”

A heavy hand came down to grab his shoulder, and Adrien looked over to Tom. “Then you understand that she needs time?”

“She can have all the time in the world if she needs it.”

Tom grinned.

“I want to take care of your daughter, sir,” Adrien admitted. “She’s very precious. I know she needs time, and I’m more than willing to give it to her. But to be honest, I am pursuing her for keeps, and I’m not going to stop until she tells me I need to.”

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