dark cloud & sunshine -------->chp23

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Marinette knocked on Adrien's door. She really didn't want to be here. She wanted to be home. But she knew she couldn't cause Adrien any more trouble by asking for more days off. Besides, she had a quilt to finish today with the sweetest, bubbliest little girl she knew.

She gripped the bag containing the small, somewhat portable sewing machine she got at some supermarket for pretty cheap. It wasn't her Singer, but it did the job and she could tote it here and back home with ease. However, as she looked down at the bag, she couldn't help but catch sight of her black skirt and matching gray blouse and recalled just how hard it was to get dressed this morning. Black had seemed the appropriate color today, and she didn't have the mental energy to spend convincing herself to wear color. Not after an exhaustive yesterday.

Adrien opened the door to greet her, but Emma was out like a shot, hugging her legs in greeting. "Mrs. Marinette!"

"Hey, Emma," she greeted, crouching down to return the hug Emma gave her.

"Why didn't you come yesterday? You promised."

Her heart sank, twisting all the while. Her mouth grew dry and she found herself looking up at Adrien for help.

"Emma," Adrien said. "Let's allow Mrs. Marinette inside, then you can finish the quilt today."

"Okay!" Emma grabbed Marinette's hand, pulling her into the house. "Come on, Mrs. Marinette!"

With a true smile crossing her face for the first time in days, Marinette followed the girl. "All right, Emma. I'm coming."

Soon enough, they were on the floor of the living room. The short table had been moved into the hallway so there would be enough space for the blocks to be organized into a full quilt.

"So, this is very important," Marinette began. "We have to organize the blocks in a certain pattern. Like a big puzzle."

From her position sitting cross-legged right in front of Marinette, Emma nodded as she listened.

Marinette showed Emma how to match up the blocks, telling her how certain colors had to be touching. It was simple, really, but handing each block to Emma and watching her try to figure out the pattern was really precious. She was glad Adrien was there taking photos. Emma's vast variety of expressions were too precious not to capture.

"I did it!" Emma cried, after placing down the last block.

"You did!" Marinette said. "High five."

Instead, Emma hugged Marinette. "Best teammate in the whole, wide world."

Marinette would not cry. Her eyes were just getting misty at the sentiment. She hugged Emma back. "Best teammate in the whole, wide world."

After a moment, Emma spun out of Marinette's embrace to run to her father. "Daddy, Daddy, I did it!"

"You sure did," he said with a huge smile. "You did such a good job."

"The only thing left to do is to sew it together," Marinette said.

It took until lunch time, but they did get the quilt finished. Marinette had taken a seat, pinning and sewing the blocks in a row while Emma brought each block carefully to Marinette. But by the end, Emma was squealing with excitement of it being finished.

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