fever dream -------->chp36

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Adrien was beginning to remember just why he hated traveling so much.


He dropped the tissue in the trash bin beside of the bed before collapsing back onto his pillow.


Adrien looked down at Emma, who was standing by the door with a worried pout on her face.

"I'm okay, Emma," he said. He didn't realize just how much he would appreciate not having Emma around yesterday when Marinette insisted upon taking her for the day. However, neither the nap nor the vitamin C had helped his cold now.

The doorbell rang, and Adrien trudged downstairs to answer it.

He was happy to see Marinette there, but he didn't expect the large tub of... something.

"Homemade chicken noodle soup," she explained.

"'Ank you," he said, blowing his nose.

She nodded then entered the house. "You, bed. Call me if you need anything."

He frowned. "I wad kinda hobing you'd tae Emma oud for a day." Great. He was completely stuffed up again and the tissue in his hand was... well...spent.

She glared at him. "I'm not leaving you alone in case you need something."

"I'm fine."

"And I'm staying," Marinette insisted. "Bed. Shoo."

He was not up to starting an argument with her, so he listened and trudged back up the stairs.

"Do you have any paperwork in your room?" Marinette asked, her voice filled with warning.

"No," he assured.

"Any semblance of work in your room?"


"Good." Her voice had returned to its normal sweet tone. "I'll check up on you in a little while."

When he got to bed, he collapsed on the mattress, feeling well and truly terrible. After using yet another tissue and washing the snot off his hands, he turned on his rarely used tv, only to remember how terrible television was.

Seriously, why did he even have cable?

He eventually found something to watch, zoning out while blowing his nose every few minutes.

He didn't know how much time had passed by the time a knock sounded on his door.

"Hey," Marinette said, pushing the door open but not coming inside. "Are you hungry? I just made Emma lunch."

Considering he hadn't eaten anything today thus far, he was kinda growing hungry. Yet, nothing sounded remotely good, and that trumped the tiny rumble in his stomach. "I'm good, 'anks."

She gave him a grin before spying the tissue box and trash can he had moved over to his bedside. "Do you need more tissues?"

"I'll get some," he said, taking the last of the box and blowing his nose. "'Anks."

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