A night at the hospital

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Lofi wake up feeling massive pain at her leg.

"AH!" lofi screamed.

"Why is my leg like this?!" Lofi aksed herself

"Lofi? Is there anything wrong?" Lofi's mom asked

"My leg hurts really badly.." lofi said.

"I see.. well. Let's get to the doctor then. I hope they still have something for us.." lofi's mom thought

Lofi got up and took a quick shower. And she went downstairs for a nice breakfast..

They went to the car after that and hurriedly went to the hospital

*The hospital*

"Hello. Can we make an appointment?" Lofi's mom asked

"Yes. Of course." The receptionist said

"My daughter leg hurts. And we would want it to be checked out." Lofi's mom said

"Hm.. the doctor is busy for an operation today. So.. at.. 4 PM?" The receptionist asked

Since they didn't had any other option  lofi's mom agreed.

She went and grabbed their ticket and went back to lofi

"Alright lofi.. everything should be alright.. i'm going to go. And grab us something.

She left leaving lofi alone

Lofi was pretty bored.. the hospital wasn't exactly a great one.

It was hot. And pretty crammed

She looked around the hospital and suddenly found herself something to watch

Or someone to greet.

"Isn't that.. tom?!" Lofi asked herself

"What is he doing here?!" Lofi thought.

"And why is he in a wheelchair?" Lofi aksed herself

"What on earth happened to him?" Lofi aksed herself

Tom noticed lofi and soon went up to her.

"Hey lofi." Tom said.

"O..oh.. hi Tom.." lofi said nervously

"What are you doing here?" And what happened? Lofi aksed

"O..oh well.. I got hit by a motorcycle when I went back." Tom said sadly

"Oh. I hope it didn't hurt that much.." lofi said

"I..it's fine.. I'm alright." Tom said

"So.. you're getting an operation?" Lofi aksed

"Yeah.. that was suppose to be for yesterday.. but unfortunately the doctor was busy with another person" tom said

" Oh. I hope you recover soon." Lofi said making tom blush.

"Thanks.." tom said.

"Hey tom. How are you today?' lofi's mom aksed

"Oh hi lofi's mom! I'm getting an operation today." Tom said.

" I heard from your mother you fit hit by a motorcycle huh?' lofi's mom aksed

"Yeah.." tom said.

"It's alright. I hope you recover soon. I will talk to your mom soon." Lofi's mom said.

There wasn't much to do.so they just talked about some things.. and after some time..

"Mr.. tom?" The nurse asked.

The life behind the lofi girlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon