A weird.. dream..

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Well.. im sorry I didn't publish for so long. I was a bit busy.

Admittedly the chapter is a bit cringy.. since I was rushing so sorry for that.

Anyways. Hope you enjoy!

Lofi woke up. On what seemed to be a white room.

There was nothing. Just a void.

"Where.. am I?" Lofi asked herself.

As she looked around she found herself at a white room. When she suddenly got hitted by something

"Ah! What's this?" Lofi aksed.

"Isn't this a Tablet?" Lofi aksed

She tried to turn it on. But it didn't seem to work. At all.

So she just kept it while walking around her world.


"Eh? What's that thing.." lofi thought

"It looks.. like a person?" Lofi thought

Something. Or someone was falling from the sky.

And there was no way that lofi wasn't going to check it out

As she arrived. She found a boy. And a familiar one too.

"AH! that hurt.." the voice said

"T..tom?" Lofi aksed

"Eh? L.. lofi?" Tom aksed

"HOW ARE YOU IN MY DREAM?" both of them exclaimed.

"What's going on?" Lofi thought.

"So.. were dreaming?" Lofi aksed.

"I think.. we are.. and I can't tell if you're the real lofi.. or just a random lofi." Tom said. Giggling slightly.

" Hihi. Well.." lofi said.

" I got this Tablet. It's really weird." Lofi said.

When tom grabbed it. It turned on suddenly.

"Aw. Picking favorites huh!" Lofi said a bit annoyed

Tom giggled slightly.

"Eh? It looks like a world editor?" Tom said

"Eh? What's this.. load save thing?"
Tom aksed

He clicked it

And. A door appeared out of nowhere

"Should.. we go in?" Lofi aksed

"Of course! It's a dream after all."

When they went through the door. They spotted something.

"Hey.. isn't that my mom?" Tom aksed

"Hey that's your mom!" Tom continued

Lofi soon realized what they were seeing

Her memories. That she forgot.

"Hey.. look at those two." Lofi said

On the side was Two happy kids.

They were still young but they were playing a lot.

"The girl looks like you by a lot." Tom said

"Yeah.. same for the boy." Lofi said back.

They watched the two kids play.

" Arr! I have come for treasure"

"You will never take me alive!"

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