A very cold sleepover

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Winter has finally arrived.

And the weather was bloody freezing.

Lofi woke up early that day.
She looked at her schedule. And decided to go to school.

"There might be a winter day here.." lofi thought

*But it's better to be safe then to take risks." Lofi continued.

She took a shower. And ate her food.

When she went downstairs. She found that her mom was gone!

There was a small note on the table.


I'm going to leave the house for some time since I've got to do something important.

I've prepared some food for you. See you soon."

After reading the letter. Lofi grabbed her back. And grabbed her lunch.

She grabbed the hoodie. And anything to protect her from the harsh weather.

She soon went outside..

"Holy smokes. It's really cold!" Lofi thought.

After walking in freezing weather. She finally arrived at the school gates.

A sign was outside the gate

"School is cancelled for some days. Due to the extremely cold weather."

With that. She sighed

"Damnit.. well.. best I get back home.."lofi thought

As she began walking back. She saw some sort of shadow.

"Eh? Who's that?" Lofi aksed herself

"Lofi?" The voice aksed

"Oh. Hey tom!" Lofi said greeting.

"Hey. I suppose school is closed huh?" Tom asked.

"Yeah.. so.. what should we do?" Lofi asked.

"I don't know.." tom aksed.

They began to walk their way back home.

"The weather is freezing." Lofi said.

"Yeah.. but it it winter already." Tom said.

" Hm.. it looks like there's going to be a winter storm." Lofi said jokingly

"Yeah.." tom said.

Lofi realized tom seemed more worried then ussual.

"What's wrong?" Lofi aksed

"Oh! Uh.. well..." Tom said.

"My mom left the house. And.. I'm not ready comfortable living on my own." Tom said nervously

"Really? Well.. lets go to my house! We can study!" Lofi said.

Tom blushed before nodding his head in agreement.

Lofi brought tom to her house.

"Alright.. the key.." lofi said.

"There ya go!" Lofi said putting the key in.

"Hey? Shouldn't your parents open the door?" Tom aksed.

Lofi just blushed.

"Ah. I forgot. They're not home." Lofi said blushing red

"Oh. Well . I can just go back home.." tom said blushing a lot.

"No no no. It's fine.. just don't.. you know.." lofi said blushing more.

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