A day For Fun!

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The alarm rang loudly. And lofi woke up a bit shooked

"Damn stupid alarm Shut the fuck up!" Lofi shouted annoying.

Lofi proceeded to threw her pillow at the alarm

"Bloddy hell lofi. I didn't knew you had a temper issue." Emma said

"Sorry.. I just really had a.. a nice dream." Lofi said her face turning red

"Oh.. what was the "dream" eh?" Emma asked

" N.. nothing. It's.. just a little embarrassing." Lofi said back

"Oh.. I KNEW IT you are a perve.."

"Shush. Now I'm awake now. Just SHUSH" lofi shouted embarrassed

"O..ok chill chil." Emma said back.

" So.. I'll take a shower first ok?" Emma asked

" sure.. i wanna make sure I'm alive" lofi said

"Ok then.." Emma said running straight to the shower

Emma closed the door meanwhile lofi stayed on her bed dumbfounded

" Why.. the hell did i dream that?" Lofi aksed herself

" Im already melting. Dammit" lofi though

Lofi stood up. Got a good look around her room. And grabbed a bottle of water.

"God.. i wanna kill myself."

Lofi gathered herself and stood up and wait for Emma to finish up.

A few minutes later.

Ok fine maybe 30 minutes later.

"Alright I'm done." Emma said

Emma took a glimpse at lofi

"Oh. Maybe this is the wrong time.." Emma said

" You alright lofi?" Emma asked

"Yeah.. don't worry about it." Lofi said

"I just need a wash"

Lofi grabbed her towel and went in the shower

*The next door*

"TOM? YOU DONE OR NAH?!" Leo shouted


"Sorry sorry ok. I'm done fucking hell" Tom said coming out

" Why did you took so long?" Leo said kinda annoyed

"I needed the few minutes. Ok? Just hurry up and go take a shower you." Tom said

"Fine.." Leo said.

Leo goes and take a quick shower

Meanwhile Tom wore some clothes and just smirked slightly

"Heh. I wonder if she had the same dream" Tom said cheesing slightly

Soon after rapping everything up. They both went straight to the gathering place  and met up there

"Alright everyone! We will be each in a group of 4. Please pick your group and notify the teachers." On of the teacher said

All 4 of them looked at each other and just agreed automatically

"We would like to be a group." Tom said with lofi ,Leo and Emma behind him

" Alright then. Who will be your leader?"

"Tom!" Lofi said quickly

" Sure i guess?" Leo and Emma said

Tom just smiled and nodded his head

The life behind the lofi girlWhere stories live. Discover now