I broke away to look at him,

"You look well." I teased at his toned arms.

"I try."

I chuckled and then it dawned on me,

"What happened? How did I get here?" I asked,

"We had to pull that thing out of your neck."

"I watched someone die, that was not the plan."

"Let me start by saying it was all Miles's idea, I mean with all our major supply ports blocked, Aurora knew it would just be a matter of time before reach out for help. .Miles just had to con them and take them off guard."

"You used me as bait!"

"Again it was all Miles's idea."

"I could've died." I hit him.

"Yeah...but you didn't, and in the end, everything turned out great, the plan worked, Antonio and his men were trapped, Aurora is on the run but not for long."

"I still can't believe she did all that, I mean Aurora..."

"No one did, Miles took it the hardest,"

"I can imagine."

"He's been out for her for years, hopefully, he catches her this time and ends this madness once and for all, I miss home.

"I'm sorry."

"Anyway, come, you must be hungry--"

"No, wait.." I stopped him sharply, "First, I came all the way so I could punch Carlos Knight in the face and I won't do anything else besides that, so take me to that asshole so I can be right on it." Luis goes quiet, causing my heart to leap. My hands start shivering, "I-I mean it, Luis, t-take me to him right now, would you as I start with you."

"Okay...calm down." He holds my hand steadying me, "It's fine,

"Why aren't we walking?" I shudder, holding back the tears.

"I know what you're thinking and it's not it, contrary to what everyone thinks Carlos's alive, recovering is the right word."

"Then take me to him."

"I would love to but, Miles is the only one allowed to see him.."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's protocol."

"Well, screw Miles." I lost my patience, all this suspense was driving me insane, "I mean right now Luis, take me to him."

"I can't do that, Eva, you need to calm down."

"If you don't take me to him I-I, I'm gonna scream till he hears me and I won't stop till he does."

Luis raised an eyebrow daring me, I scoffed and set myself to validate my threat, "Okay, fine, you win." He raised his hands in defense, "I'll take you to him but, if Miles finds out about this I'm denying you."

"Miles doesn't scare me one bit."

He chuckled and led out of the room,

We walked down an empty hallway, my every heartbeat yearning to see his face again, Luis stopped at a door and looked at me.

"He's in there, don't touch any--"

I didn't wait for him to stop me and walked into the room. It was dark at first but turned on as I set in, it wasn't like any regular room, more like an electric compartment.

What's this?

Besides the beeping sound, they were color cables, monitors, and several electrical appliances to every corner, and in a large glass laid a body bound with cords,

"Is that--?"

"He got shot in the front, and his body was too weak to handle the impact, we had to place him in a temporary coma so his body could ill itself."

"How long is he supposed to be like this?" My eyes ranking over his motionless form,

"No one knows but, the doctors are hopeful he would heal. No one else knows about this, or that he's alive, just his trusted doctors, Miles, me, and now you."

I moved closer, keeping my gaze in the rising and falling of Carlos's.

"Can he hear me?"

"I'm not sure but, I like to think he does. . we all miss him."

"He's not dead."

Carlos wasn't just anyone or any ordinary man, he's Carlos Knight, he's also a man who took up a stranger and cared for her without questions, I've never met anyone like him.

His heart would continue to beat for it is strong, so very strong. He would awaken, and soon.

HiredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora