We arrived at the house and was greeted by my brother sitting in the living room watching television and my mother in the kitchen. Dominic was quick to leave my side to kiss mama on the cheek and ask her about her day. Their relationship has been a weird emotional rollercoaster, but I'm glad they're on better terms. I joined my brother on the couch.

"How are you doing today, sis?" Roberto asked.

"I'm okay for now. How have you been?"

"I'm okay; I can't say the same for mama and papa."

 I haven't asked about my papa since he refused to come to my engagement party. He's been missing throughout this entire journey because I chose to stay with Dominic. Even if he didn't respect my decision, he should have been there with me as my father. Mama was there, Roberto was there, even my Nonna and Nonno were there for me! 

"Where is he this time?" 

"He's back home, but he refused to come today. He's distraught you chose to stay."

"He's acting as if I had a choice in the first place! This wasn't a choice I made; this is me finding happiness in a decision out of my control. If he wants to be angry with anyone, it needs to be his ancestors."

"I went into his office when he was sleeping. I think papa hired some people to make you disappear if you chose to run away from Dominic. He had a fake passport, death certificate, a birth certificate...I'm not sure how he got in contact with these people." Roberto whispered.

"Papa isn't as innocent as he claims to be. Dominic told me that Papa had gotten his hands dirty to keep the success he has. Of course, nothing too dangerous or criminal, but I'm sure it wasn't legal either."

"Until last night, I wouldn't believe you, but after seeing those documents...They looked so real!"

"I can't imagine what he had to pay to get his hands on those."

"Maybe that's why he's been gone so much."

"Who knows, but I never asked him to do that for me. I asked him to support me, and he refused. So I refused to support or care about him or the trouble he got himself into."

I need people who support me unconditionally despite their beliefs around me. The world is already against me; I don't need my famiglia against me too.

Soon we were all sitting at the table, bowing our heads as Mama led us in prayer. Mama served a classic three-course meal. We had Mushroom Risotto; our entrees were Fiorentina steak with greek salad and focaccia bread and dessert Tiramisu. She outdid herself with this meal; it was her way of saying goodbye to Dominic.

After dinner, Mama and Roberto agreed to stay and join us at the airport. I needed support when Dominic boards the plane. Mama and Roberto gave us privacy as Dominic finished packing his last-minute clothes. Dominic ordered a car to take us to the airport. I held onto Dominic's hand from the moment we finished dinner to the arrival of the car. I wasn't ready to let him go.

Mama and Roberto sat in the middle seat of the SUV while Dominic and I sat in the very back row. It was a tight fit but being snuggled close to Dominic was peaceful during this time of duress. The ride to the airport was silent. The soft voice from the radio filled the car. My eyes remained closed throughout the whole ride. I was afraid that when I open them, I won't be able to control my tears. Dominic stroked my hands and kissed my hair periodically, but I felt his rapid heartbeat in his chest; he wasn't doing so well with separating. 

The car came to a halt. We arrived at the private tarmac. Dominic's plane was already docked, and the staff were standing at the stairs waiting for Dominic to board. Dante, his guard, was a familiar face on the tarmac. 

Mama and Roberto got out first, then me and Dominic. I stepped aside for Mama to give Dominic a hug and kiss goodbye. She whispered something in his ear; Dominic smiled and nodded before giving her a final kiss on the cheek. Roberto gave a quick hug and shook his hand before he stepped to the side with Mama. I walked with Dominic up towards the stairs of the plane.

Dominic nodded at Dante before turning to look at me. This is the first time I looked into his eyes since we left the house. Tears began to pour instantly. Dominic smiled as he wiped my tears away. 

"Don't tell me not to cry." I whispered.

"I won't, even though your tears make me uncomfortable."

"Too bad."

"You'll join me soon, I hope. This isn't goodbye." He reminded me.

"I know but I don't know how I'll sleep without you. I've gotten so use to you being there. It will hurt to wake up and your not there."

"We will be together when you're ready. Then you'll never wake up alone."



Dominic leaned down to give me a powerful kiss.

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