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Amy pulls her hoodie over her head while looking at her own reflection in the big shop window. "He is so going to kill people if he sees me like this." She mumbles before covering her mouth with a mask, hiding the wounds behind the black fabric. "It's okay, you just have to go in quickly, grab your bag and then leave again. He'll probably be in his office so you don't have to face him." she says to herself. How could she be so stupid to leave her purse and phone in the office? She was planning to just hide herself until her wounds healed, but she needs at least some money for that. Amy sighs deeply before continuing her walk to the big office building that's only a few blocks away.

Just before she enters the building, Amy lowers her head, her bangs covering her eyes. There is no way that someone will recognize her like this. But as if the security guards had some sort of 'recognize-Amy-no-matter-what-she-is-wearing' training they greet her first thing when she enters the building. "Good evening miss Amy." they bow to the younger girl, making her heart beat a little faster. They better not te- "Should we tell master that you're here?" shit. Amy immediately shakes her head. "There's no need." she assures the security guard. She still doesn't know his name, even though the man has been working here since she can remember. Somehow she cannot seem to remember it. "Master is quite busy. You know as well as we do that he doesn't like unannounced visits." the other guard says. "I'm only here to grab my bag, I left it in my office. I won't disturb anyone from their work." she explains, hoping that the guards won't cause a scene right now. "Is everything alright miss Amy?" she cannot help but sigh at the question, he must have noticed her nervousness. "I'm fine, don't worry. Now if you don't mind, I'll go grab my stuff." she says while walking over to the elevator.

When the elevator doors are about to close Amy can see one of the guards grabbing his phone. Shit. They're gonna give him a call. "Why are they such a pain in the ass?" she growls, looking up at the screen that tells her at which level the elevator is. She is almost there. It will take him only one or maybe two minutes to go from his office to hers. Knowing that he is busy right now, he probably won't pick up the first time the guard calls him, so that'll buy her some time. If she is lucky.

She just has to be quick and make sure he won't see her, that's it. When the elevator opens Amy slips through the doors and runs over to her office. When she opens the door, her boyfriend is already sitting at her desk waiting for her with his arms crossed. "You serious? He came here in less than a minute?" Amy thinks to herself, not daring to look the older boy in his eyes.

"You don't seem that happy to see me." he notices, standing up from the chair. With his arms crossed he walks over to the younger girl. His height towering over her. If she didn't know him for such a long time already, she would have definitely found him intimidating; the height, his cold eyes and those lips that just won't seem to curl up in a smile no matter how funny you try to be. "That's not it Wonwoo, I-" "Take off your mask." he demands. "And look me in the eyes when you talk to me." he adds angrily. But she doesn't look up, nor does she take off her mask. "I have a cold, I don't want you to get sick because of me." she mumbles. "Didn't you hear me?" he asks, sounding pretty irritated already. "Take off the goddamn mask!" he grinds his teeth. It's almost as if he knows that she is hiding something behind the fabric.

A deep sigh leaves Amy her lips. "If I want to keep it on then you can't force me to take it off." she says, finally looking her boyfriend in the eyes. And it is only now that she notices he is wearing his glasses instead of his lenses. "He must have had a rough day." she thinks to herself, knowing that his lenses irritate him when he is really busy. It's because he tends to rub his eyes a lot, especially when he has a lot to read. The moment her eyes meet his, his strict and cold eyes turn soft. "Take it off Amy." he says again, this time it almost sounds like he is begging her. For a moment she doesn't move, then she decides not to play hard to get anymore. Amy takes off both her hoodie and mask, revealing several wounds on her face.

Wonwoo doesn't know what to say at first. He looks at his girlfriend in shock. The tall figure sets a step closer to Amy, grabbing her chin to make the smaller girl look at him. He carefully looks at her face, making sure not to miss a single wound on her pretty, tanned skin. "Who did this?" he asks with clenched jaws. Amy grabs his hand to loosen his grip. "It's nothing Wonwoo, don't worry." she says, lowering her eyes. "Amy! Tell me who the fuck did this to you!" he raises his voice, scaring the girl by the loud and intimidating sound of his deep voice. She flinches, not sure what he will do. Amy knows he won't hurt her, he has never done that and he never will. Yet she cannot help but take a step back. "Don't yell at me." she says, trying to act as calm as she can. "I happened to run into some men of your enemy. I was careless, it was my fault." she finally explains.

"How dare they lay a finger on my girl." Wonwoo mumbles, he looks at Amy again, this time he carefully caresses her cheek. "I am going to make them pay for it. Tell me whose men they were." he demands again. Amy sighs. "Wonwoo, I told you it was my own fault. I should have been more careful. Also, I don't want you to get in more trouble than you already are." the brunette grabs both his hands, holding them tightly. "I knew what I was getting myself into when I started dating the son of a mafia boss. You made me take self defending lessons when you took over the business from your dad. These small wounds are nothing compared to what I did to those guys, trust me." Amy tries to reassure him. Wonwoo his lips slightly curl up in a smirk. "That's my girl." he says, he puts an arm around the smaller girl her waist and pulls her closer. "I'll make sure nothing like this ever happens to you, princess." he says, his warm breath tickling Amy her neck. Amy wraps her arms around Wonwoo, looking up at him with her big puppy eyes. "You're not gonna give me a bodyguard, are you?" she asks, knowing exactly what the older one is up to. "No, I'm giving you four." he says, making Amy drop her mouth. "Four?!" she can't believe he actually said that. The serious look on his face tells her he is not joking. Not even a little. "I'll send my best men to protect you. Don't worry, they are very good at hiding, you won't even notice them." Wonwoo runs a finger through Amy her dark hair, looking her straight in the eyes. "Four is too much Wonwoo, you know I don't like being followed by people." the younger one pouts, it isn't the first time her boyfriend planned to give her a bodyguard.

"Next time someone tries to hurt you, you call me immediately. I won't ever let anything like this ever happen to you again." Wonwoo says with a strict voice, holding the smaller girl tightly. "You know I won't leave you over a few scars or an almost dead experience, right?" Amy looks her boyfriend in his eyes, for the first time since she knows him, she can find a little fear in his eyes. "I know," he admits. "And that scares me the most." Amy can't help but smile. "I can take care of myself, don't worry about me." she says, ruffling his soft dark hair. "And if you really want me to have a bodyguard then fine. But! I want only one, I don't need four. One is enough." the older boy is pleasantly surprised, he never thought she would give in that fast. "But, call him tomorrow. Tonight I want it to be just the two of us." Amy grabs the taller one by his collar and pulls him down a little, giving him a small peck on his lips. "I just stole a kiss from you." Amy giggles when she sees the surprised look on her boyfriend's face. Wonwoo takes off his glasses, he then puts an arm around her waist and pulls her closer. "You call that stealing a kiss?" he asks before pressing his lips against hers, showing her how a real mafia steals a kiss.

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