yo mama jokes (admit it, you love them)

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Yo mama so FAT, her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does!

Yo mama so SHORT, she committed suicide by jumping off her bed.

Yo mama so STUPID, she cooks with Old Spice!

Yo mama so STUPID, I told her it was chilly outside and she ran out with a bowl and spoon.

Yo mama so UGLY, when she tried to join a ugly contest, they said, " sorry, no professionals."

Yo mama so FAT, I took a picture of her last Christmas, and its still printing!

Yo mama so OLD, her Bible is autographed.

Yo mama so FAT, she got on a scale and it said, " I need your weight, not your phone number!"

Yo mama so UGLY, she made One Direction go the other direction!

Yo mama so STUPID, a robber broke into her house and dialed 911 on the microwave and couldn't find the call button!

Yo mama so FAT, it took Nationwide 5 years to get on her side!

Yo mama so HAIRY, Bigfoot was taking her picture!

Yo mama so UGLY, her pillow cries at night!

Yo mama so TALL, she did a cartwheel and kicked God in the face!

Yo mama so FAT, when she dove in the ocean, the whales started singing "we are family!"

Yo mama so HAIRY, when she gave birth to you, you got rug burn!

Yo mama so UGLY, she makes onions cry!

Yo mama so FAT, she sat next to everyone in the movie theater!

Yo mama so GREASY, McDonalds uses her to grease the french fries!

Yo mama so POOR, she can't afford to pay attention!

Yo mama so SKINNY, she hula-hoops with Cherrios!

Yo mama so STUPID, she thought Dunkin' Donuts was a basketball team!

Yo mama so FAT, when she went in the pool with a black swim suit, everyone shouted OIL SPILL!

Yo mama so DUMB, she thought Moby Dick was some kind of STD!

Yo mama so SHORT, she does pull-ups with a staple! 

Can you think of anymore? ;)

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