What am I doing?

Why do I care what he thinks?

Everything between Tul and I is perfectly fine. I put a new smile on my face and head out the door.

Around 20 minutes later I pulled up to his dorm complex and got out of the car. This is it! It didn't take me long to get to his front door, thankfully I've been here plenty of times to where it was almost a second home to me. Gathering all of my courage I take a step forward and knock on the door 3 times. 

At first I didn't hear anything until I could hear faint voices from the other side of the door and it made me feel uneasy. Was he just watching a movie or was there another person in there with him?

Not wanting to panic like a psycho girlfriend I decided to knock again but only got the second knock finished when the door was pulled open and I was greeted with a half-naked Tul as he was staring behind him looking angry.

Tul: "What the fuck do you want, my boyfriend is sleeping, stop making so much noise."

As my brain tried to process what was going on I ended up taking a few steps back as I stumbled against the hallway wall behind me. His eyes filled with horror once he actually turned his head around to look at me.

Xing: "W-what?"

Tul: Looking pissed off. "Shit!"

Xing: He tries to walk up to me but I push him away as my head begins to clear. "Explain yourself, what the fuck did you just say Tul?"

Tul: He just rubs his head in frustration as he looks away from me. "I didn't say anything, I thought you were a solicitor so I said the first thing that popped into my head that would make them leave without any question. What are you doing here Xing? Didn't I tell you I didn't want any visitors today?"

I just look at him feeling so small and worthless because I knew. 

I fucking knew he was lying to me. He could never look me in the eyes when he lied to me. That was the perks of knowing him for so long.

I just wanted him to admit it to me though...

Xing: I walk toward his door and look in as he puts his arm on the doorframe to block my way. I point toward his room. "I thought you would change your mind and miss me. Since I'm already here, can't I just come in? I want to spend the night with you."

Tul: Looking a little guilty. "Go home Xing, I feel the same way I did earlier today. I just want to be alone the next few days. Well talk tomorrow."

Xing: "Who is it Tul? Why can't I come in.?"

Tul: He just shakes him head and stays put. "Nobody is in here Xing, I just don't want to see you right now. Please leave before I get more upset."

Xing: I shove his chest as I duck under his arm and head into the room. "I know your full of shit Tul and I'm going to prove it."

Tul: He grabs my arm to stop me as I step into the kitchen area right before I could look past the wall that separated the kitchen and bedroom. "Xing please... Turn around and leave. Let me talk to you about this tomorrow. D-don't do this..."

I could see his eyes tearing up and I knew right away that I was right and he knew that I knew but for some reason he really didn't want me to see the evidence but I just couldn't leave it alone though...

I needed to see it with my own eyes.

Xing: I tug my arm from his grip. "I can't do that Tul..."

With that I walked away from him and passed by the wall blocking my view and stopped.

Not being able to stay on my legs any longer I collapsed against the wall and silently sobbed to myself as Tul just stood next to me silently.

In front of me was a very naked max laying on his stomach with the covers pulled over half of his ass as he snored softly being oblivious to what was going on...

Tul: He puts a hand on my shoulder before I smacked it away and got up on my wabbly knees. "Xing, I tried to tell you to go home, I was going to tell you tomorrow."

Xing: I turned to face him as I was being filled with anger and smacked him hard across the face. "You are an asshole and a coward."

Tul: He holds his cheek and looks sad. "I didn't want to hurt you Xing."

Xing: Not being able to be in there anymore I turned around and started to walk out. "Rot in hell Tul."

With that I left him in his dorm as I slowly walked to my car and got in. 

Not being able to drive in this condition, I just rested my head against my steering wheel and let out a painful wail.

Why did it have to be Max?...

Cruel Reality (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now