Extra - Dew

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The rain pelted hard against the leafy roof as the night dragged on. For some reason, I couldn't get to sleep. Zypher had no problem, passing out almost as soon as his head hit the pillows.

I sat up in bed, causing Zyphers hand to fall off my side where it was previously resting. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window, watching the lightning flash outside through the slit between the curtains.

I stood slowly as another large rumble of thunder shook our house. I crept out of our room, shutting the door lightly behind me. Walking down the stairs, I used the random strikes of lightning to guide my path down. I stopped on the next floor and pulled a candle off a shelf near the entrance. I pinched my fingers around the wick and as I pulled them away, a small fire started. Using that light, I found my way down the rest of the stairs easily.

I passed by Stormy, Finch, and Dions rooms quietly. The weather outside was loud but I didn't want to be the reason for them waking up.

I set the candle down on a side table when I reached the bottom floor before walking towards the large bookshelf built into the wall. I skimmed my finger along the spines of the books. Many children's books now rested in the place where my books used to be. I chose at random from the top shelf.

As I settled myself onto our couch, a knock sounded through the house. I glanced up, deciding that it was only a branch hitting the side of the house. I turned my gaze back to the book, opening it to the first page. I tuned out the storm as I focused on the story.

My head shot up when I heard crying. I threw my book to the side and rushed up the stairs, snatching the candle off the table where I left it.

I slowed when I got half way up. It almost sounded like the crying was further away. I turned and quietly descended the stairs, listening intently as the crying grew the closer I got to the front door.

I yanked the door open and stared out into the darkness. My chin dropped and I found a basket with a baby inside at my feet. Its chubby little arms and legs flailed as it tried to pull itself from inside. I fell to my knees when the initial shock wore off, wrapping my arms around the wicker basket and pulling the child inside the house. I lifted it up and pushed the door closed with my back.

I shushed the sobbing baby as I carried the basket into the kitchen, rocking the entire thing as best I could. The blankets surrounding the child were wet so I began pulling them off, dropping them on the counter carelessly.

The little one was light in my arms as I picked it up, looking to be around two years old. It was dressed in a soft brown shirt and a diaper that needed changed.

Deciding to warm the little thing up first, I wrapped the child in a fluffy blanket from the couch and quickly began rocking it back and forth. As I started towards the cabinets to find some milk, I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I was relieved to see Zypher come into view. His eyes widened as he approached the screaming child and I.

"Is everyone awake?" I asked over the sobs.

"Yep," Zypher said as he pulled the blanket down a bit around the child's face, "Care to explain?"

"I will after you help me feed it. I'm going to change the diaper. We still have some in the bathroom, right?" I asked as I walked to the couch. It was as good a place as any.

"I think so," Zypher agreed, rushing to the bathroom to get me the supplies I needed.

"It's a girl," I announced during the changing. Once she was in a clean diaper, she calmed down for a moment. It allowed me to get a peek of her eyes. A soft jumble of sounds escaped her lips as she looked around the dimly lit room.

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