Chapter 1 - Age Old Killer

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I silently made my way around the small worn down cabin. Golden light poured from the curtainless windows. I made sure to keep to the shadows between the light. I noticed a single fiery blue lantern hanging off a wrought iron hook above the front door. I ignored the easy entrance and picked a window near the back to take a glance into the home.

It seemed the cabin only had one room, filled with all the amenities one might need but all together. My targets back was turned away from the window and hunched over a wooden desk. There was a perfectly placed bookcase creating what seemed to be a makeshift wall that was just tall enough for me to stand behind. A grin slipped onto my face as I locked my gaze onto the area behind the bookcase.

"Teleport," I breathed into the darkness. Black smoke swirled around me, blocking my vision for only a second. As it dispersed, I appeared inside the cabin and behind the bookcase.

I stepped out and began my advance towards the gray haired man. My steps made no sound on the old wooden floors. My fingers grazed the large knife attached to my side, twitching in anticipation for the kill.

"Are you here to kill me?" I paused. The old man stood up straight but did not turn.

"Yes. How did you know I was here?" I questioned. It would be beneficial if I could avoid this happening again. The man turned at my words, allowing me to view his scarred face. His eyes were a milky white and covered in scars, signifying his blindness. That wasn't the most startling part of his appearance though. That title belonged to the entire right side of his body. It was warped, sagging and miscolored. A clear sign of magic overexertion against a stronger magic than his.

"I sensed you enter." He stepped passed me and to a wooden table on the other side of the room. I watched silently as a feathered pen and a yellowed piece of paper materialized in his grasp.

"Your special ability, I presume?" I would let him write his letter. I walked up to a shelf hung on the wall and examined the strange jars and objects. Large colored crystals, rocks, and many different containers holding plants and unknown substances. The last jar caught my eye above all though.

"What is your name?"

I refocused my attention on the target, watching as the letter disintegrated. His wrinkled hand sat the pen on the table. I narrowed my eyes. This would be the last question I answer.


"Unsurprising it would be your killer family to take my life but not what I wish to know. I wish to know the name of the man who does so," He explained, his words were soft, calm. He wasn't scared to die, he seemed resigned to his fate.

"Zypher," I spoke. I kept an eye on his hands as I got closer, making sure he wouldn't use my name in a spell against me.

"I am ready." The old man smiled a crooked tooth smile, it increased the many wrinkles on his aged face.

I pulled my knife from my belt and swiftly brought it across his neck, splattering blood on the table near us. I side-stepped as his body dropped to the wood floor. It landed with a hard thud.

I sighed, knowing in seconds my annoyingly talkative contractors would be here to collect the old man's belongings. I usually did not ask questions, I would kill and then be gone as my family was trained to do but these two had not shut their mouths about their reasons. The old man was an elderly wizard and his cabin had been filled to the brim with expensive and ancient items over his many years of life. They, filled with greed, wanted it all for themselves. Who was I to deny good money?

I found my way back to the shelf when I remembered the last jar and what was inside. My nose almost touched the glass as I leaned in to get a closer look. A small person sat huddled against the side. Long hair covered most of the creatures body, making it impossible to tell if it was male or female. The red wings curled around it gave it away as a fairy though. A soft red light was emitted from its body, a red that matched the vibrant color of its hair.

Loud talking and horse trotting filled the quiet, night air causing me to frown deeply. I took another glance at the jar. The fairy had lifted it's head and our eyes met for only a moment before it was hiding itself away again. There was no doubt in my mind that my contractors would sell it and it would be eventually killed for its precious gems.

Footsteps grew closer and I made my decision. I snatched the jar off the shelf and shoved it roughly into my side bag as the handle of the door began to jiggle. I stood up straighter and waited for them to enter.

The brothers marched inside. The younger rushed to the bookshelf and began shoving things around and putting things into the multiple bags he carried with him. The older met up with me.

"Wait outside. When we gather our things, you can pick two items and we will pay," He said in a gruff tone. I could tell he was trying to stand tall and seem strong but in the presence of a Calamity, it was quite a difficult task.

I nodded silently and stepped over the dead body on my way to the door. The blue light of the lantern had gone out and was replaced with the orange light of the brothers lanterns.

It didn't take long before the brothers were attaching bags full of items and books to their horses. The younger brother walked up to me with a selection of items in his arms. His feet shifted nervously as he stood in front of me.

"Take your pick," the older brother said as he walked up behind his brother and put a hand on his shoulder.

A necklace immediately caught my eye. It had a simple silver chain and an amulet the same color as the small fairy's hair. I snatched it from his fingers and grabbed a bundle of silky green cloth before the older brother handed me a bag of coins.

I waited until they had rode off before entering the old man's house again. Blood had pooled around the body and papers were strewn about the floor. I found a pile of papers and left the house.

I trudged through the dark forest. My eyes adjusted easily and I soon found a small rocky shelter. I dug a hole into the dry dirt and began creating a fire with the stolen papers. After I was sure the fire would not die out, I slipped my satchel and jacket off my body.

I dug my hand into my bag and pulled out the jar. I held it closer to the fire so my eyes wouldn't distort the colors trying to see with night vision. The smallest of water droplets stuck to the sides of the glass jar and the fairy was clutching it's arms tight around itself. I guess I had hurt it by jostling it around in my bag.

I tapped my finger against the glass to catch its attention. It peaked it's head up and leveled it's vibrant yellow eyes on me, almost in a glare. I decided then that the fairy was a girl. She was too pretty to be male.

"I'm going to let you out. If you run, I'll have to kill you," I warned. I began unscrewing the lid, it came off with a pop and the fairy seemed to take a deep breath. How long had she been in there?

I watched in mesmerized silence as she unfurled her sparkling wings. They were a mix of warm colors. A beautiful combination of reds, yellows, and oranges. In one flap of her dazzling wings, she was up and out of the jar.

I held my free hand up for her to land on. As her small bare feet hit the palm of my hand, I realized she weighed nothing. I wasn't sure if I would have felt her standing there if I hadn't watched her land.

A light blush danced across her cheeks and she hastily pulled her long hair around her bare body. Her wings folded around to give her even more coverage.

"Grow," I ordered. Her eyes widened and she violently shook her head no as she stepped away from me.

"Do it," I growled. I did not like to be disobeyed and I wasn't leaving room for argument. Her face grew even redder but she dropped her head in defeat. She flapped her wings again and pushed off my hand before stopping midair and then the little fairy was gone.

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