Chapter 7 - Awaken To Darkness

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I woke up to a splitting headache and an uncomfortably persistent warmth all around me. A pained groan left my system as I attempted to move my arms in a stretch but found the task much more difficult than it should have been.

I snapped my eyes open but might as well have left them closed with the amount of darkness I was shrouded in. I ran my fingers along the surface I think I was laying on, feeling the smooth texture of fabric.

I gasped when whatever I was on moved and a light began peeking through above me. I looked straight up and squinted my eyes at the burning light.

Two very large familiar eyes popped into view, blocking the light thankfully. Zypher ducked away from the opening quickly and soon enough, a single digit reached between the folds of whatever I was placed in.

I grabbed onto his finger tightly and allowed him to pull me from what seemed to be his jacket pocket. He sat me on the edge of the pocket and let me continue to hold his finger as I glanced around.

We were in a shady looking ally, facing a dead end. Puddles of dirty water laid on the ground so it must have rained at some point.

"I'm glad to see you're awake," Zypher said, giving me the most genuine smile I'd ever seen on the man's face. I couldn't help the blush that stained my cheeks.

"Where are we?" I questioned, trying to spy over his shoulder and outside of the ally. Zypher quickly pushed me back down.

"Serone Village. I've kept us moving. I was about to head to a tavern to get something to eat before leaving. I'm assuming you're hungry?" Hungry was an understatement. I nodded my head fervently and that smile once again was placed on display.

He tucked me back into his pocket, despite my protests and found his way to the tavern. I listened to the mumbled conversation around me and waited until Zypher patted his pocket before I crawled out. I watched the back of a waitress walking away meaning he had already ordered.

I took a deep breath, relieved to be released from the heated confines. Zypher helped me out as discreetly as possible and sat me on one of his legs; the one closest to the wall.

Zypher leaned his elbow on the table, effectively blocking anyone from seeing his face as he leaned down to begin quiet conversation.

"You've been out for quite awhile."

"How long?" I asked. I wasn't exactly aware of the concept of time during my sickly stages.

"Seven days. A full week. I'll admit, it was a little boring not having someone to talk to," Zypher said, turning his eyes to the wall in what I think was embarrassment. I thought it was cute.

"I'm glad you enjoy my wonderful company," I joked. The waiter approched, causing Zypher to sit straight up and throw an arm over me. He crushed me slightly, probably on accident.

He thanked her gruffly before informing her that he wouldn't need anything else. I let out a strangled breath when he finally moved his arm and slouched back into his original position.

"Seven days is a long time. You took care of me through all of it?" I questioned, a little surprised.

"I mean, I had to buy your medicine, but yeah," He mummbled, shoving a fork covered in bacon into his mouth. He looked away suddenly, glaring at the wall, jaw tense and eyes stern.

I smiled nonetheless.

"Thank you."

He didn't respond and instead held a bread crumb out to me. I thanked him and gobbled the pierce of food down. It tasted like pure gold at that moment.

We ate in relative silence, me thanking him every few moments and him refusing to answer. Once we finished, he left the coins equivalent to the meal on the wooden table and scooped me up in a hand. He tucked me unceremoniously into a side pocket this time but I didn't argue, knowing he was heading towards the restroom.

I heard the door close and the click of the lock, signalling that we were in the clear. I shoved my way out of his pocket and floated midair in front of his face as I brushed the wrinkles from my clothes.

They were actually cute but not my style. Too dull in the colors. I had a knack for brighter, more cheerful things.

Zypher pulled my clothes from his bag and set them on the back of the toilet before turning fully around and sticking his nose in the corner. It was comical, making it a little easier to change behind him.

I transformed and threw on my clothes as quickly as possible. I didn't really think Zypher would try to peek, but I hadn't known him for that long. Better safe than sorry.

I tapped Zyphers shoulder, letting him know he was in the clear to turn around. He nodded after looking me over and went to open the door before pausing.

"I came in with one," he said.

"And now you're leaving with two," I finished.

"Let's just make a run for it. Not in the mood for complications." I agreed completely with his sentiment and on the count of three, rushed from the restroom.

The waitress looked shocked as Zypher and I sprinted passed her but we were out the door before any words could leave her mouth. Outside, I made quick work of avoiding puddles while Zypher struggled behind me. We ducked into an ally way, Zypher looking around the edges to see if any one was following while I giggled.

"That was kind of dumb," I laughed.

Zypher looked at me, hair a mess from running and cheeks a little red and let out the softest chuckle.

I think that meant he agreed.

We decided that the coast was clear and decided to move on. We took to a denser street and to fill the silence between us that everyone else on the street seemed to be filling themselves, I decided to ask some questions.

"Did anything interesting happen while I was out? Did you get into a fight with an orc or maybe steal a Dukes prized duck?"

Zypher raised an eyebrow at my fantisies.

"Much worse."

Super lame chapter honestly

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