Chapter 20 - City of Thieves

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"Make sure the little assholes stay in the bag and that you stay as close to my side as possible," I ordered, tightening my arm around Wild. Wild nodded along with my words, having heard them multiple times by now.

"I don't understand why we are staying here if it's so dangerous," Wild mumbled, looking around the town at the litter covered streets and broken windows. It got a little better the closer to the center of town you got but I wouldn't consider it good there either.

"We need a place to sleep that isn't the forest floor. It's slowing down your healing process being in such conditions. It works out well that I have a friend living here," I explained, taking us down a series of paths. For once, I kept us in the open instead of taking allies. It was too risky to use that tactic here.

We took a left around a building to reorient ourselves to the center of town, but Wild stopped dead in her tracks. I ran into her back, knocking her forward, but she was quick to reel back. Her hands grabbed onto my jacket as she backed us both up and I used the momentum to flip us and push her against the wall. I saw her wince but couldn't bring myself to apologize, worried whatever was around the corner would hear my words.

"He's here," Wild whispered harshly, tightening her grip on my jacket as I leaned slightly around the corner.


"The man from the library." Just as her words met my ears, I spotted the man's bright blue hair. He hadn't seemed to have spotted us; his attention was still focused on the barred shop windows across the street.

I hooked an arm around Wilds waist, pulling her away from the wall, before glancing upwards. I backed up until I had my gaze set above the roof of the building next to us.


Wild held on tight as the sensation went through her and on the roof, had to take a moment to catch her breath. I looked over the edge and watched as the man began moving, heading in the direction of the ally we were just in. He glanced inside before continuing down the road.

"Why is he following us?" Wild seethed. Her eyes followed the man until he had disappeared down the next street.

"I have no idea," I grumbled. He seemed to be after Wild, but I couldn't imagine why.

"Let's get to Rylands. We might finally be able to rest there," I breathed, taking her hand in mine and leading her to the middle of the roof.

"We're taking the rooftops?" She questioned, watching me cast my gaze over the ones we needed to hit.


I took a running start, letting go of her hand so I wouldn't tug her down on accident. She followed my actions fairly easily and soon enough we had fallen into a rhythm.

When we landed on a white, slightly slanted roof, I tugged Wild to a stop. I picked her up, jumped off the roof onto a porch, and waltzed through the back door all in one go.


Ryland stood next to a cooking pot, blonde hair sticking up in all directions, shirtless, while using one hand to scramble eggs and the other to toast bread. His overdramatic smile was set right on Wild and as soon as his eyes met mine, it widened even more.

I set an embarrassed Wild back on her feet and sent a steely glare to my friend. I stepped around him in the small kitchen and slid into one of the kitchen table chairs. I pulled my knife out, not liking how it was hitting my leg and set it and it's entire holder on the table.

"You know the rules. No weapons on the table," Ryland scolded, picking up the pan with eggs scrambled in it. I rolled my eyes but set the knife against the wall anyways.

Wild was still standing awkwardly near the back door, watching Rylands moves with a nervous gaze.

"Come here," I mouthed when her eyes landed on me. Her eyes widened and she quickly shuffled over, narrowly missing Rylands elbow as he started scraping eggs onto three plates.

Wild took her seat next to me, scooting it a little closer just for comfort's sake. I didn't mind when our knees touched.

"How did you know we were going to be here?" Wild asked, referring to the number of plates already set out.

"I smelled Zypher as soon as he got to town and your scent moved with him so I assumed I'd have two guests," Ryland said, splitting up the toast. Wild nodded like she understood but I could see the underlying confusion.

"He's a mutt," I said, leaning back in my chair. Rylands head whipped around and he growled, barring his sharp teeth in my direction.

"I am a werewolf," Ryland said calmly, quickly noticing how Wild jumped back in shock. He plopped himself down and dug in, giving Wild and I the go to do the same.


"Thank you," Wild mumbled, putting down her fork.

"Of course. Anything for a friend of my friend," Ryland sang, standing up to begin putting the dirty dishes in the sink. The way he said friend didn't miss Wild and I. I glared at the back of his head while Wild blushed.

"We're going upstairs," I grumbled, hauling Wild from her chair and directing her towards the stairs.

"Oh? Are you?" Ryland teased. My sharp retort was cut off by the sound of three loud knocks. All eyes shifted to the front door. Wild and I backed up into the kitchen while Ryland stepped forward to open it.

His wooden door creaked as he pulled it open, undoing two or three locks beforehand. A man dressed in a black stood before the door, in his hand were two pristine white envelopes. The man passed the envelopes to Ryland wordlessly.

Ryland shut the door and turned the envelopes over a couple times before tossing them towards me.

"They're for you." It wasn't hard to hear the concern in his voice. I handed Wild her letter, my anger growing at the nervous look on her face.

I ripped mine open, letting the pieces fall to the floor as I pulled the letter out. Printed neatly on the outside of the folded paper in deep red ink was Heartfield Ball. My brows furrowed the more I read.

Hello Zypher,
You have cordially been invited to the Heartfield Ball. You won't want to miss the fun that will occur.

If you decide you don't wish to attend, I suggest you leave town now and not look back. You'll surely see us behind you.

See you there, Honored Guest.

1125 S. Maple Street, 12:00

Sincerely, Host

I growled deep in my throat and snapped my head over to examine Wild's letter. It read almost exactly the same way. I yanked the paper from her hands, startling her from her thoughtful trance.

"Do you know who this is from?" Wild asked. She had gathered that the letter was nothing but bad news from my reaction.

"I have an idea."

City of Thieves? Adventure Time reference anyone?

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