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The surrounding world's noises seemed to blur in and out as though Wooyoung was submerged under water. Completely under the ocean's shifting surface as he sank deeper and deeper towards the bottom. Those sounds were so eery, of faded voices chanting, small giggles followed by hushes, and the little fidgety noise of someone tapping their foot off the wooden bench in front of them.

Jung Wooyoung was inside a church, and he was thoroughly bored.

On either side of him sat his parents, both with strictly straight postures and covering attire that revealed absolutely nothing. The young seventeen year old's back was sore, and his tailbone was starting to go numb from the uncomfortable pews. His white button up was tucked into the brown trousers he had to wear, for Wooyoung was given no choice in his clothes.

C'mon, please be over soon, he thought desperately, needing to use the toilet more than anything and counting down the seconds before his whole spine snapped in half. That irritating tapping off the back of the bench he was sitting on grated against his frail nerves. It was probably a child, but he couldn't exactly turn around to take a look. There were certain etiquettes and respectful actions to uphold.

The only thing in this screaming bore of a service that somewhat entertained the young omega was the boy who always seemed to sit in front of him. The brilliant posture, long chocolate-coloured hair and perfect skin was alluring, even from behind. He too was dressed formally, probably by choice of his own parents.....but Wooyoung could still see through the white shirt a little when he leaned over to pray and it flattened against his muscular back.

Oh if my parents could hear my thoughts, the ravenette internally grimaced, playing with his fingers on his lap while attempting to distract himself from the sinful idea. Not only was he in a clean place of worship thinking about a boy, but right beside the two people who had raised him.

In this world, as everyone knew, it was absolutely fine for any alpha to be with any omega. There was no prejudice against genders, no skepticism towards weddings, and no problems with children having two of the same sex as parents.

But not in Christian beliefs.

Oh no, not here. Omega boys were a bit of a 'pain in the ass' as they defied a lot of Christian logic. They were simply expected to date girls and 'figure it out' or have no children at all. Two girls and two boys? Big no.

"Let us pray for the safe journey of this child into the world," the priest at the head of the room raised his arms, beside him standing a pregnant girl of about twenty two. They always did this. Blessings towards unborn babies who were due at any time. He held a small bowl of holy water and glided his index finger through it, pressing it to her forehead and shoulders.

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