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"I am such an idiot," Wooyoung practically sobbed when he took his seat for geography. Yeosang, thankfully, was in his class and was always prepared to listen to his endless rants and woeful stories. "I can't believe I did that. I acted so tough on adrenaline and now he probably thinks I'm into him or something...."

The older nodded along quietly, not entirely sure what the nature of his misery was, yet in his mind he'd settled on the idea that this was about Choi San again. The classroom was alive with whispers and small conversations, as the students tended to get a slap if they talked over twenty decibels. The fresh, summer air sliding in through the ajar windows tickled everyone's exposed skin, reaching their arms and their cheeks. It smelled of warmth, if that were such a thing, and most kids appreciated that.

"I really feel cheated when we're always on time," Yeosang murmured, "Yet our teachers can waltz in late and have the audacity to yell at us for silly mistakes. Look, it's already five minutes into class...."

"True," the younger sighed, "I bet they're too busy with more interesting things. Like 'putting alphas in their place' or 'bullying omegas'."

"You and Seonghwa are the only two omegas we have," the brunette chuckled softly. "And neither of you are trouble makers."

"Oh yeah....."

"Everyone shut up!" Their darkly dressed, male teacher barked, slamming his books down on his desk and picking up the chalk, "We've wasted enough time."

"No," Yeosang whispered under his breath, "You've wasted enough time....."

Woo giggled and covered his mouth, sinking deep into his seat when the man turned to look at them with furrowed brows. He seemed a little uncertain at first, not at all sure where that chuckle had come from but wanting to punish someone all the same. It was apparent that the man was in a crap mood, and there was nothing the students could do about it.

"Who laughed?!" He hissed, eyes scanning the expanse of the room. Everyone kept their gazes low, staring at their rather suddenly interesting desks, covered in scratches and impurities from years of use. Wooyoung laced his fingers together under the table, digging his nails into his tender skin to take some of the edge off his fear.

"If someone doesn't own up, I'll pick one of you!"

I should stick my hand up, the ravenette gulped, terrified that another classmate would take the hit for his 'mistake'. His sights lifted ever so slightly to the teacher, the man fuming so badly he snapped the chalk stick in his grasp. But the terror had paralysed him, as it seemed, causing his limbs to tighten and then go limp.

"It was me, Sir," Yeosang eventually spoke up, standing slowly and wearing a very unreadable expression. Wooyoung's jaw dropped at the sight of him, heart picking up into a rapid pounding until his rib cage felt too small to contain it. No! Don't own up!

"Well, well, well," the adult sneered at the boy, kicking the chalk on the floor and folding his arms. "Kang, huh? Who'd have thought?"

"I apologise," the brunette muttered with a tremble in his tone, shoulders shaking so damn slightly that only Wooyoung would've noticed how utterly terrified he was. Their eyes locked momentarily, a look of 'please don't do anything' in the older's irises while the younger's was more so 'you shouldn't have!'

"Well, since you're so willing to interrupt class, go and pick up the chalk," the man arched his brow.

Yeosang hummed in response, walking slowly to the front of the room and bending down to swipe the compressed powder off the linoleum floor. The teacher then rolled his eyes and 'accidentally ' smacked his pen off the desk, it rolling unceremoniously across the floor and under a cabinet. "Oh, whoops. Go get that too while you're up."

The brunette gritted his teeth, nodding softly and moving over to the said piece of furniture. It was apparent that he wouldn't be able to simply lean over and get it like he had with the chalk, and thus he played right into the pervert's hands and got down on all fours to take a look underneath. The class couldn't tell where to look, half relieved that this wasn't them, and half wishing their perfectly lovely classmate didn't have to go through with this.

"Can you see it?" The older man enquired smugly, eyeing up the teen's ass like it was his God-given-right. Yeosang shook his head, sliding his legs out a bit so that he could press his arm under the cabinet as far as he could.

Wooyoung scowled, getting up in an instant and utilising the voice he was never inclined to use. "S-Sir! It was me. I giggled, okay? I-I'll get the pen."

"Oh stop acting like a brat," the man hissed. "Sit down or you get a ruler to the backs of your hands."

"But it was me. Yeosang did nothing wrong! I'll gladly take the ruler if it means he can sit down."

"Jung Wooyoung, take your seat!"


"Woo!" His best friend snipped from the ground, sending him a determined glare that signified he was strong enough to handle this on his own. "Please just sit."

The younger felt awful. His blood was boiling from failing to defend his friend, having his friend scold him, and also watching his crap teacher perv on the poor boy. His knuckles were turning white from rage with how hard he was balling his fists....but there wasn't a thing he could do in this situation.

Damn it, he sighed within, meekly sitting down and and glowering bitterly. This was truly unfair, and he was so ready to slap someone.

Just as the scene seemed to go on too long, the door was pushed open after three hard knocks, and it bumped into Yeosang's frame gently. The culprit quietly whispered an apology while bypassing the teenage male doing questionable things on the ground. Holy cow, the ravenette widened his eyes upon peering at the arrival, Choi San?!

"Mr. Lee, I was told to give this message to you," the alpha cleared his throat, passing the folded piece of paper to the oldest and glancing around the classroom disinterestedly. The man started to read it quietly, suddenly blocking everyone else out. The class were awestruck at the sight of the beautiful alpha boy, also rerunning the sleek sound of his voice in their heads like a broken record.

Yet, once his gaze met that of Wooyoung's, his whole physique tightened and he tried to remain as expressionless as always. The younger had another idea, however, begging the taller with his eyes to save his friend on the floor. Please, one could clearly read, please stop this.

San sighed awkwardly, subtly throwing a glance the older boy on all fours and rolling his eyes at this typical behaviour from the teachers. Usually he wouldn't have batted an eyelash for the sake of keeping to himself....but Wooyoung had asked him to.

"Oh, what are you looking for?" He spoke quietly, leaning down into a crouched position beside Yeosang and trying to act natural.

"Um....h-he dropped his pen under here," the older murmured.

"Silly," San gushed, standing up again and pulling the piece of furniture out from the wall and producing what had been hidden beneath all along. "Take it."

"Thank you-"

"That's quite enough, Choi. He was fine on his own," Mr. Lee scoffed, though folded the paper again and flung it to his table. "Tell Mr. Jang that everything is fine and we can begin preparations for the meeting."

"Yes Sir," San nodded, starting to exit the room though not before sending his favourite omega a secret wink. Wooyoung blushed fuchsia pink, but made a mental note once the older was out of sight.

I have to thank him later.

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𝗽𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝘀; woosanWhere stories live. Discover now