part 23

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Kluas pov

This will be our first Christmas without ruby but I guess we never really gave her a good one. We are just about to get the Christmas stuff out when rebeca drops to the floor in pain but its not physical more like emosional which is clearly not her own help me what is happing to me in hurnt and I feel so alone we all try to comfort her but nithing is working fray we have to do something I yell out of faer for my little sister to which she start to try many different spells but nothing is working but all of a sudden it stops as quick as it came at the same time a vampire I think was part of marcels group sped in and gave me a letter

Dear mikealson

How did that feel rebeca the pain the islation and the worst part the cold well now you have had a small taste of what you all put ruby thought and what she still suffer with but im not done yet so enjoy yourself and have a many Christmas


We all toke turns reading it and when rebeca did I thnk a little peace broke in side but we can not dwel on that we neeed to find who is responable for this maybe they can lead us to ruby.

Rubys pov

its getting closer to Christmas and I cant wait all the avengers have been so welcomeing to me espesaly loki and nat but I think that is because they unstand what happened to me.

I was sat in my room watching supernatural and nat came in and asked if I want to go in the hot tub wait what am I going to say no one has seen my scares and if I do this they will all know, no im just going to have to lie whitch I hate sorry nat im really tonight but maybe another time have fun thought but she wasnt taking it laying down and just picked me up as if I was light as air put me down im to heavy what are you talking about you heardly waight anything you should probly eat more wow the first lie I hear from her but before I can say that I am dumped in to the hut tub I didnt even relise we were that. As soon as nat lets me go I look around and she that everyone is there with a drink in their hands. What am I ment to do now so I panik and try to get out of it but of course before I can I feel to stroung arms wrap my waist and pull me back in but this time I end up sitting on nats lap witch I try to get off but fail again god I need to get out I can already feel my anxiety rise and I need to stop it I dont want to hurt them I need a reason to leave quickly ok um um thank nat now im socked and need to change I say while getting up againbut this time I acully get up and turn around only to hear a collective gasp and at that moment I know my mistake the top I am wearing has done see thought so all the avengers have seen the scares from years and years of beatings and tourtcher at the hand of the mikealsons shit.

ruby mikealson the unwanted twinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin